In their response selection account, they concluded that individuals automatically formulate a (covert) response to the distractor, so a response selection process is required to block the false response. The mask prevents this formulation of a phonologically well-formed response and consecutively the time-consuming selection process from being engaged. Considering task demands (here: picture naming), Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the selection process is able to decide which answer is
correct. Thus, the semantic distractor reveals its facilitatory aspect, which is caused by beneficial activation of the target’s semantics. The present study reveals that this spreading of activation appears to be associated with low neural activation amplitudes if it is not directly affected by the processing stage (i.e., semantic stages for the semantic distractors)
that has been boosted by dual activation. Contrary, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effortful semantic retrieval requires high amplitudes, as do processes implicated in the detection and inhibition of the competitor. Previous findings that associative words may turn into inhibitors when presented in context (Abdel Rahman and Melinger 2007; Sass et al. 2010) underline that CX-5461 concentration lexical competition alone cannot explain inhibitory Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effects. Abdel Rahman and Melinger (2009) proposed a swinging lexical network model that explains inhibition and facilitation in both associative and categorical distractor types through variations of the opposing effects of priming at the conceptual Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical level and competition at the lexical level. In the present manuscript, the prominent suppression of motor-sensory areas for categorical distractors speaks in favor of the response exclusion account of Finkbeiner and Caramazza (2006): The
production of the already prepared distractor needs to be inhibited. The collection of further neurofunctional evidence to adjudicate on the two cognitive accounts on interference would be fruitful. Methodological considerations Our findings on enhanced and suppressed brain activations partly deviate from previous Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical findings, which may be attributed to various methodological differences. (1) We integrated four different distractor types into our paradigm, which for the first time allowed precise comparisons of distractor conditions. We only varied the linguistic relation between distractor and target while keeping other factors constant (e.g., basic task difficulty, SOA). Therefore, and we were able to reveal that brain areas associated with conflict processing were suppressed, which is hardly detectable using lower baselines (e.g., De Zubicaray et al. 2001). Moreover, we chose a relatively early SOA of –200 msec to gain appropriate RT effects for all distractor types. As a result, each type elicited differential RTs as predicted (with decreasing RTs, C > U > P > A; differential effects P < 0.05 without correction). Only the comparison of U > P missed significance after Bonferroni–Holm correction (Holm 1979) (P = .