1 mL, i.m.) and the analgesic Rimadyl (4 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered. Body temperature was monitored and maintained at 37°C with a heating pad throughout surgery. The cannula-bipolar electrode complex was placed in the CA3 area (AP: −5.6 mm, ML: −4.8 mm, DV: 5.0
mm). One tripolar electrode (MS222/2a; Plastics One) containing three stainless wires, was located on the left hemisphere, with the frontal wire targeting the motor cortex and the other two wires that were located above the cerebellum serving as reference and ground electrode. The other tripolar electrode was located in the subiculum (AP: −5.6 mm; ML: −2.2 mm; D: 3.2 mm) serving one recording and two stimulation electrodes. The Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cannula-electrode complex, tripolar electrodes, and several screws were attached to the skull with dental acrylic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cement. After surgery, the animals were housed individually and were allowed to recover from surgery for 2 weeks. After that, the animals were handled by the experimenter 5 min per day. Video and EEG monitoring and stimulation set up The rats were connected to the recording and stimulation leads, and then connected to a swivel contact that enables the animals to move freely. EEG signals were fed into a selleck chemicals llc multi-channel differential amplifier, amplified (5000), band-pass (1–500 Hz) and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical notch filtered (50 Hz). The stimulation leads were connected to a programmed stimulator. The signal output
was sampled at 512 Hz and digitized using a WINDAQ/Pro data acquisition system in combination with a DI410-interface (DATAQ Instruments 2.49, Akron, OH). Video was captured with a camera placed in the chamber and recorded with the aid of the Observer® (Noldus Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Information Technology BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands). The animals had a 12:12 light/dark cycle with light at 8 A.M. because it was found Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that seizure occurrence was higher during the light than during the dark period
(Raedt et al. 2009). The recording took place in a noise-isolated experimental chamber. Two days before EEG recording, the animals were placed in a Plexiglas recording cage (30 × 25 cm, high 35 cm) over so as to habituate to the recording system. The rats were randomly assigned into two groups: a stimulation group (n = 10) where the rats received HFS and a sham group (n = 10) where the rats were connected with the stimulator but did not receive HFS. All rats received KA injections to induce seizures. Microinjection of KA After 1-h baseline EEG recording, the animals received an injection of 0.05 μg KA (Ascent Scientific Ltd, Bristol, U.K.) and then were monitored with EEG and video of behavior for 1.5 h. KA injections were repeated every 1.5 h until the rats reached Stage V, Racine’s scale (Racine 1972), that is, animals displayed convulsive seizures (bilateral myoclonus, tonic-myoclonus, rearing, and falling). The number of injections within 1 day was restricted to four.