Pearson��s correlation coefficient indicated that a positive correlation existed between color and surface roughness changes for both shades of composites tested. However, this correlation was only statistically significant after the second bleaching sellckchem session. DISCUSSION Color evaluation was performed using a colorimeter, which expresses color coordinates according to the CIELab color system. Other methods of color determination have been used in dentistry, including visual assessment and spectrophotometry, with the instrumental methods generally being considered more precise, as they eliminate subjective errors.19 More importantly, the CIELab color system is widely popular and was developed for characterization of colors based on human perception.
In this system color difference value, ��E, is expressed as a relative color change between successive color measurements. It is generally agreed that a value of ��E �� 3.3 is considered clinically perceptible.20�C22 The bleaching procedures adopted in the current study simulated in-office bleaching application using different bleaching systems. A high intensity halogen blue light was used to activate the peroxide in one system, while the second system used light emitting diode (LED) technology. To assess the effect of light activation on the bleaching results, the third system tested (Opalescence Boost) required no light activation and depended solely on chemical activation. The results of the present study are in agreement with the findings of a recently published study.
23 More specifically, they revealed that none of the bleaching systems notably changed the color of any of the composites tested after the initial bleaching session (��E<2). Also, no significant difference was found between the two composites. This confirms that freshly prepared composites are color-stable. Similar results were found by Hubbezoglu et al, who reported that color change in both microfill and microhybrid resins after bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide for a total of 30 minutes did not exceed 3.3.15 In contrast, Monaghan et al found that in-office bleaching significantly affected the color of different composites; they reported ��E values greater than 3.14 However, their bleaching protocol consisted of a pre-etching procedure using phosphoric acid, followed by four cycles (30 minutes each) of bleaching using 30% hydrogen peroxide along with infrared light activation.
The procedure they used is much more aggressive than those followed in the current study, which may explain the discrepancy between the findings. Much greater ��E values (>6) were reported by other studies that used in-office bleaching on teeth.24,25 Comparing the current results to those obtained in these Carfilzomib studies, it is concluded that composites do not bleach to the same degree as teeth. Therefore, replacement of such restorations may be a more effective option.