With results from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [1�C5] and series of publications [6�C9] showing that SILC is equally safe, with no obvious additional scar and potentially have less postoperative pain and earlier return to daily activity [5], more surgeons are embarking on learning the technique. As SILC is a new approach to gallbladder disease, many inhibitor supplier aspects of this new technique have not been studied in detail. Most surgeons embarking on this technique are concerned with its learning curve, conversions, and potential longer operating time. To date, very limited work has been done to look into this important issue and few publications have looked into learning curve of SILC from conversion point of view. To perform SILC safely and successfully, there may be changes in surgical technique, need of new equipment, and modifications in the role of assistant.
In this study, we report an SILC learning experience of a tertiary university hospital with advanced laparoscopic facility. Operating time, potential problems, and ways to overcome them as well as surgical technique were included in this report. Our paper aims at facilitating and smoothening the learning curve of surgeons especially those who are starting to perform SILC or those facing difficulty in performing SILC. 2. Methods All patients who underwent SILC from April 2009 to August 2011 (28 months) by two HPB attending surgeons (Surgeons A and B) who both have been attending grade for more than 7 years and routinely performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for all benign gallbladder disease in a tertiary university hospital were studied retrospectively.
The unit performs about 400 laparoscopic cholecystectomies per year. Operating time, conversion rate, and reason for conversion of individual surgeons were recorded. Conversion is defined as adding additional port(s) at other parts of the abdomen or minilaparotomy. Identity of first assistants was collected and analysed. Risk factors of conversion such as patient’s BMI, presence of acute cholecystitis, and previous abdominal surgery were recorded and compared. Cumulative summative (CUSUM) analysis is used to identify learning curve of SILC of Surgeon A, and standard conversion rate is defined as 5%. t-test is used to compare continuous variable, and P < 0.05 is defined as statistical significance. SPSS Statistics version 17.
0 is used to analyse the data. Operating time of all Carfilzomib CLC done by Surgeon A at the same period of time was collected to establish the baseline operating time for comparison with SILC operating time of Surgeons A and B. 2.1. SILC Surgical Methods All procedures were performed under general anaesthesia. The patients were placed at supine or split-leg (French) position depends on availability of different operating tables. Marcaine 0.25% is infiltrated around the umbilicus then a 1.