Thus, the same extracellular signal can elicit distinct responses through the same receptor depending on the cellular context. These findings also provide novel insight into the scaf folding functions of b arrestin 2. To date, numerous binding partners have selleck bio been identified for b arrestins encompassing a diverse array of proteins including MAPKs, phosphatidylinositol kinases, actin assembly proteins, transcription factors, RhoGTPases, and ubiqui tin ligases. Interestingly, individual receptors pro mote recruitment of only a select group of these potential binding partners to b arrestins. Part of this diversity can be explained by discrete domains within b arrestins that serve as docking sites for different binding partners.
Here we identify two new targets of b arrestin 2 dependent scaffolding, CAMKKb and AMPK which co immunoprecipitate in cultured cells and in vivo. Although it is not yet clear whether either or both CAMKKb and AMPK directly contact b arrestin 2, it is likely that CAMKKb directly interacts with b arrestin 2, since addition of b arrestin 2 blocked phosphorylation of both a non specific substrate and a specific one. Furthermore, it is formally possible that AMPKa may directly bind b arrestin, because it con tains a stretch of amino acids within its N terminus that bears with similarity to a recently identified conserved region in Jnk3 and CAMKg, both of which constitutively bind b arrestin 2. It will be interesting to deter mine whether AMPKa directly binds b arrestin 2, whether it binds to the same region as Jnk3 and CAMKg and whether these proteins compete for inter action with b arrestin 2.
While we demonstrated that interaction of b arrestin 2 with AMPK and CAMKKb in cells was enhanced by activation of PAR2, co immuno precipitation of all three proteins was observed in mouse fat in the absence of treatment, suggesting that this scaffolding complex may exist constitutively in vivo. Our data suggest that association of b arrestin 2 with these proteins is strengthened by PAR2 activation. The conformational rearrangement that b arrestin 2 under goes upon receptor binding may alter the nature of the contacts between these proteins resulting in the observed inhibitory effect. Additional factors may also contribute to the inhibitory effect of b arrestin 2 on AMPK in vivo.
For example, b arrestin 2 has been shown to bind and inhibit calmodulin which could con tribute to the inhibition of CAMKKb activity in cells. b arrestin 2 has also been shown to scaffold PP2A to one of its Entinostat substrates and scaffolding of PP2A to AMPK might further inhibit its phosphorylation. Finally, b arrestins also play a role in the desensitization of numerous receptors, ones that both activate and inacti vate AMPK, such as adiponectin receptor. Thus, the absence of b arrestin 2 may have the opposite effect on receptors that regulate AMPK independent of CAMKKb.