Because the sequences are 3 biased, a BlastN analysis against the expressed sequence tag database at NCBI with the remain ing 31 PS26 BC8 contigs was done to find potential orthologs from other species. At an E value cutoff of e 20, 18 contigs had EST hits. A BlastX was per formed using these EST sequences to determine if tenta tive protein functions could be obtained, and the best hits are listed in Table 3. The remaining 13 con tigs did not have hits by either BlastX or BlastN, there fore, they were considered orphan genes. In order to generate contiguous sequence that might enhance the potential for mapping of contigs in the F1 population and to extract a longer cDNA sequence for PS26 c9369, a cDNA library containing 300,000 phage plaques was constructed from apomictic BC8 mature ovary and anther RNA since all 49 ASGR carrier chro mosome transcripts showed expression in these tissues by RT PCR.
Screening of the cDNA library with 27 ASGR carrier chromosome transcript probes yielded hybridization signals for 24 probes. PCR screening with the ASGR carrier chromosome specific primers identi fied 16 ASGR carrier chromosome clones and one clone for PS26 c9369. Additional sequence for these clones was generated. The PS26 c9369 clone contained a 646 bp insert. BlastX analysis identified similarity to a hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT 10g020450 and Oryza sativa hypothetical protein OsJ 30933 over an 155 bp region. In both sorghum and rice, the area of similarity overlapped a pfam03004, Transposase 24 domain for those proteins. The remaining PS26 c9369 clone sequence was unique.
Nine primer sets were designed from nine PS26 contigs to span introns based on pre dicted splicing of best hits to sorghum. Five primer sets gave strong amplification of PS26 genomic DNA. These amplicons were cloned and sequenced to identify SNPs within the PS26 genomic alleles. CAPS markers could be designed for PS26 c1580 and PS26 c33813. Mapping of 4 apomictic and 4 sexual F1s did not show tight linkage of these contigs to the ASGR. Expression profiles of ASGR linked expressed transcripts by RT PCR RT PCR with RNA extracted from apomictic BC8 leaf, root, anther, and ovary tissues was completed for the 49 candidate genes mapped to the ASGR carrier chromo some. Forty seven were expressed in all four organ types examined.
However, one putative MADS domain containing transcription factor, corresponding to contig PS26 c33813, showed amplification only in anther and Entinostat ovary tissues and contig PS26 c10535, a putative Lon protease, showed expres sion in all organs except anther. Discussion Transcriptional profiling has been extensively used for gene discovery in plants because the absence of introns greatly enhances the information content of the data set and eases data interpretation.