(52): equation(54) R2∞=R2G+PEΔR21+ΔR2/kEXWhich is identical to th

(52): equation(54) R2∞=R2G+PEΔR21+ΔR2/kEXWhich is identical to the relaxation rate expected for the R1ρ experiment in the strong DNA Damage inhibitor field limit (Ref. [44], ω1 ≫ δG, δE, kEX, ΔR2, Eqs. (5), (6), (7) and (8)). Thus the fast pulsing limit of the CPMG experiment, and the strong field limit of the R1ρ experiment

lead to identical relaxation rates, as would be expected. Eq. (54) is similar, but not identical to similarly reported results [2] and [6]. Going further, when kEX ≫ ΔR2 > 0, both the CPMG and R1ρ (in the strong field limit) experiments converge on the intuitive population averaged relaxation rate [42]: equation(55) limPE→0kex>ΔR2R2∞=PGR2G+PER2E Finally, in the limit ΔR2 = 0, the CPMG propagator (Eq. (46)) in the limit of fast pulsing (Eq. (80) using the results in Supplementary Section 1) becomes: equation(56) MΔR2=0∞=e-TrelR2GPGPGPEPEWhich is identical to the evolution matrix for free precession in the limit of fast exchange (Eq. (17) and using the results in Supplementary Section 1). High pulse frequency CPMG experiments only act to make the system appear to be formally in fast exchange limit when ΔR2 = 0. Physical insight into the CPMG experiment is obtained by considering the overall propagator for the CPMG experiment (Eq. (42)), raised to the power Ncyc. equation(57) M=e-2τcpNcyc(2R2G+f00R+f11R)(F0eτcpE0-F2eτcpE2)B00N+(F0e-τcpE0-F2e-τcpE2)B11N+(e-τcpE1-eτcpE1)B01NNcyc

selleckchem The CPMG experiment can be considered in terms of a series expansion. The propagator initially contains six unequally weighted evolution frequencies, ±E0, Avelestat (AZD9668) ±E1 and ±E2, where the cofactors are the product of an Fx (x = 0, 2) constant, (Eq. (36)), and a Bxx (xx = 00, 11, 01) matrix (Eqs. (18) and (40)). Raising these terms to the power Ncyc will result in new terms that can be represented in terms of sums and differences of the six frequencies, and weighting coefficients. Temporarily ignoring the coefficients, the frequencies that can be involved in the expansion can be revealed using Eq. (41), noting that ε0

is real and ε1 is imaginary: equation(58) (etcp2∊0+etcp2∊1+e-tcp2∊0+e-tcp2∊1+e-tcp(∊0+∊1)+etcp(∊0+∊1))Ncyc=(etcp(∊0+∊1)+e-tcp(∊0+∊1))Ncyc(etcp(∊0-∊1)+1+e-tcp(∊0-∊1))Ncyc(etcp2∊0+etcp2∊1+e-tcp2∊0+e-tcp2∊1+e-tcp(∊0+∊1)+etcp(∊0+∊1))Ncyc=(etcp(∊0+∊1)+e-tcp(∊0+∊1))Ncyc(etcp(∊0-∊1)+1+e-tcp(∊0-∊1))Ncyc The expansion results therefore in the product of a binomial expansion over τcp(ε0 + ε1), and a trinomial expansion over τcp(ε0 − ε1). The expansion in Eq. (57) will therefore result in 3Ncyc2Ncyc individual terms, arranged over (1 + Ncyc)(1 + 2Ncyc) possible frequencies ( Fig. 4A). Including the average relaxation rate factor at the front of Eq. (57), 2τcpNcyc(f00R + f11R), the real part of the frequencies will fall between 4Ncycτcpf00R and 4Ncycτcpf11R, or Trelf00R to Trelf11R.

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