4 1 UCI Data Set In our experiments, totally four UCI data sets

4.1. UCI Data Set In our experiments, totally four UCI data sets are used, including 4-dimensional Iris, 13-dimensional Wine, 10-dimensional Glass, and 34-dimensional Tyrphostin AG-1478 clinical trial Ionosphere. There are 3 clusters in data set of Iris, each of which has 50 data patterns; 3 clusters in data set of Wine, which have 50, 60, and 68 data patterns; 6 clusters in data set of Glass, which have 30, 35, 40, 42, 36, and 31 separately; and 2 clusters in data set of Ionosphere, which have 226 and 125 data patterns. The validity indices of each

method are compared in Table 1. SP-FCM can identify compact groups compared to other algorithms when given the cluster number C. It can also be seen that SRCM and SP-FCM have more obvious advantages than FCM, RCM, and SCM. SP-FCM performs slightly better than SRCM in most cases due to the global search ability which enables it to converge to an optimum or near optimum solutions.

Moreover, shadowed set- and rough set-based clustering methods, namely, SP-FCM, SRCM, RCM, and SCM, perform better than FCM. It implies that the partition of approximation regions can reveal the nature of data structure and only the lower bound and boundary region of each cluster have positive contribution in the process of updating the prototypes. Table 1 Performance of FCM, RCM, SCM, SRCM, and SP-FCM on four UCI data sets. As usual, the number of clusters is implied by the nature of the problem. Here, with the shadowed sets involved, one can anticipate that the optimal number of clusters could be found. The fuzzification coefficient m can be optimized; however, it is common to assume a fixed value of 2.0, which associates with the form of the membership functions of

the generated clusters. For testing the SP-FCM algorithm, the rule C ≤ N1/2 is adopted, and the range of the expected cluster number can be set as (1) Iris, [Cmin = 2, Cmax = 12]; (2) Wine, [Cmin = 2, Cmax = 13]; (3) Glass, [Cmin = 2, Cmax = 14]; (4) Ionosphere, [Cmin = 2, Cmax = 16]. The swarm size is set as L = 20, the maximum iteration number of PSO T = 50, and, for cluster reduction, the cluster cardinality threshold ε = 10 and the attrition rate ρ = 0.1. In each cycle, we get the distribution of every cluster, remove Carfilzomib part of them according to their cardinality, and calculate the XB index, and the cluster number C varies from Cmax to Cmin . After ending the circulation, the partition with the lowest value is selected as the final result. Figure 2 presents the validity indices in the process of generating the optimal cluster number. Smaller values indicate more compact and well-separated clusters. The validity indices reach their minimum value at C = 3, 3, 6, and 2 separately, which correspond to the final cluster prototype and the best partition. Through the shadowed sets and PSO approaches, the influence of each boundary region to the formation of the prototypes and the clusters can be properly resolved.

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