, 2012) and CM4_piCtrl (Marti et al., 2010). The intensity of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre is around 40 Sv in both CM5_RETRO and CM5_piStart, and 60 Sv in observations-based estimates (Greatbatch et al.,
1991 and Johns et al., 1995). This paper describes the evolution of the oceanic component of the climate model developed at Institut Pierre Simon Laplce (IPSL) from the version IPSL-CM4, used for CMIP3, to IPSL-CM5A, contributing to the ongoing CMIP5. Several modifications have been implemented between these two versions, in particular the inclusion of an interactive coupling with a biogeochemical module, a 3-band model for the penetration of the solar radiation, partial steps at the bottom of the ocean and a series of dynamical parameterisations to improve the representation of the Langmuir cells and of the tidal PD-0332991 research buy mixing. A set of forced and coupled experiments was used here to analyse as accurately as possible the effect of Selleckchem BIBF1120 each of these modifications and more generally the evolution of the oceanic component of the IPSL
coupled models family. Although all necessary sensitivity experiments were not available to properly disentangle the respective effect of each modification, we believe that it is important to illustrate and explain how the ocean model changes have modified the mean oceanic circulation and thermohaline properties in the framework of CMIP5 where different groups will intensively use this coupled model worldwide. In terms of climate modelling, this study
demonstrates the difficulty to tune a coupled model, given the variety of parameters and the compensating effects. In terms of ocean modelling more specifically, this study was a good opportunity to underline the effect of specific parameterizations in forced and coupled mode respectively, as well as interactions with biogeochemistry. Analysis of forced simulations reveals that modifications of the bathymetry and parameterisation of tidal-driven mixing had a major effect on the dynamics, especially tuclazepam in the Southern Hemisphere. Implementation of partial steps primarily strengthens the Antarctic Circumpolar Current mass transport while tidal mixing strongly impacts water masses flow within the Indonesian Archipelago as well as the representation of Antarctic Bottom waters formation and circulation. Properties of this water mass are also more realistic. The effect of including an interactive biogeochemistry was investigated in coupled mode, using twin experiments designed purposely. During the first decade of the simulation, this effect broadly agrees with results from previous studies, inducing a surface warming and subsurface cooling in eutrophic regions and the opposite in oligotrophic regions.