2. Here, the main focus is put on the aperture of the probe placed against a rice grain sample ranging from 9% m.c. to 26% m.c. Typically, the open-ended coaxial probe is calibrated by using open air, short selleck products terminator and liquid load. Directivity error, source match error, and frequency tracking are corrected by this technique. Besides that, the rapid and simple calibration of the selleck bio coaxial sensor without the use of short and load calibration kits were also proposed in this study (discussed in Section 3.2).Figure 1.The side sectional view and front sectional view.Figure 2.The Cross-sectional View.2.?Configuration and Dimensions Coaxial SensorFigure 1 shows the side and the front sectional views of our milimeter size coaxial probe.
The front sectional aperture of coaxial probe shows 2a = 0.
20 mm diameter of inner conductor, 2b = 0.66 mm diameter of coaxial-filled Teflon and 0.86 mm diameter of the outer conductor. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries The coaxial-filled Teflon supports the coaxial line between the outer conductor and the inner conductor. Both Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries inner and outer conductors guide the propagation wave in the coaxial line. In addition, an Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 11.3 mm total diameter steel flange is used to cover the total fringing field at the aperture probe. Figure 2 shows a picture and cross sectional structure of the coaxial probe.3.?Sensor Model3.1. Reflection Coefficient ModelThe reflection Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries coefficient, �� models of the millimeter coaxial probe are given as:��=��n=07��n?rnf3+��n=07��n?rnf2+��n=07��n?rnf+��n=07��n?rn(1)where the symbols �� (in unit f?3), �� (in unit f?2), �� (in unit Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries f?1), and �� are the complex coefficients for the polynomial Equation (1).
The symbol f represents the operation frequency.The complex parameters in Equation (1) was obtained by fitting the polynomial coefficients with calculated values obtained from the Finite Element Method using the COMCOL Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries simulator over a broad range of permittivity Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries values. The complex polynomial coefficients with seven decimals for Equation (1) are listed in Table 1. Equation (1) is valid for small coaxial probes, satisfying the relative permittivity, ��r from 1 to 40 and the operation frequency from 0.4 GHz to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 20 GHz. Comparison between the calculated and FEM simulated values for the reflection coefficient, �� is shown in Table 2.
If the FEM simulation results are used as the reference value, it is found that the percentage of relative error between both magnitudes of reflection coefficient will be less than 1%.
Table 1.Complex Coefficient Entinostat Carfilzomib for Equation (1).Table 2.Calculated and Simulated Reflection Coefficient, definitely ��.3.2. Calibration ModelIn this study; the simplest technique of de-embedding of coaxial probe is by extending the transmission phase in which the phase of reflection coefficient at measurement plane; AA�� is extended towards the open end EPZ-5676 leukemia of coaxial probe; BB�� using exponential term of exp (j2kcz).