, 1998). The genome size of the bacteriophages (φVh1, φVh2, φVh3, and φVh4) based on PFGE was minimal (0.8–3.2 kb) and was estimated to be 85, 58, 64, and 107 kb, respectively, by PFGE. The genome size of the members of the family Siphoviridae is reported to range from 14.5 kb in Lactococcus prophage bIL311 to 134.4 kb in Bacillus phage SPBc2 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=10699). The genome size of the VHS1 Siphoviridae phage of V. harveyi described earlier was approximately 80 kb (Pasharawipas et al., 2005), and six of selleck products them described by Shivu and others had genome sizes ranging from 44 to 94 kb as determined by REA
(Shivu et al., 2007). The phylogenetic analysis showed that the four bacteriophages were distinct from one another as revealed by cluster analysis. The clustering pattern based on both REA and PFGE showed distinct genetic nature of φVh3. A marine phage capable of specifically transducing the tryptophan region was described almost three and a half decades back (Keynan et al., 1974). In the present study, all the four bacteriophages were capable of transducing the plasmid DNA between V. harveyi with a transduction frequency ranging from 4.1 × 10−7 to 2 × 10−9 PFU−1. A similar efficiency was reported with indigenous marine phage host isolates in an earlier report (Jiang & Paul, 1998). It has been demonstrated that the vibriophages in the coastal
environment transfer genes from O1 El Tor strain to ERK inhibitor non-O1/O139 through transduction, suggesting the process as one of the mechanisms of pathogenicity evolution among environmental Y-27632 in vivo V. cholerae
(Choi et al., 2010). Possibilities of genetic interaction among the bacteriophage genomes and chromosomal and plasmid-borne DNA of vibrios such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains and of genetic transmission among strains through filamentous phages have been suggested (Chang et al., 1998). The use of a wide variety of antibiotics in aquaculture has resulted in the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in aquaculture environments (Cabello, 2006). The abundant occurrence of bacteria along with their bacteriophages in seawater and aquatic sediments is known to facilitate such a transfer (Fuhrman, 1999). In conclusion, results from this study provide description of three bacteriophages of the family Siphoviridae and one of the family Podoviridae. Literature search shows that the latter group of bacteriophages has not been reported from the shrimp aquaculture ecosystem so far. The significance of the present study is that these bacteriophages were able to bring about generalized transduction and can transfer genetic elements such as antibiotic resistance or pathogenicity traits among V. harveyi and possibly in other vibrio species in the brackishwater aquaculture ecosystem. Authors are thankful to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for the financial assistance [F.No.