In addition to PI3K inhibitor fluorescence-based results, supporting the existence of connectivity among PSII units (Joliot and Joliot 1964; Briantais et al. 1972; Paillotin 1976; Moya et al. 1977; Malkin et al. 1980; Lavergne and Trissl 1995; Kramer et Pevonedistat solubility dmso al. 2004), the influence of connectivity between PSII units on the other processes has also been documented, e.g., through measurements on thermoluminescence (Tyystjärvi et al. 2009). The sigmoidicity of chlorophyll fluorescence induction has been found in control samples, i.e., those not treated with DCMU (Strasser and Stirbet 2001; Mehta et al. 2010, 2011). The phenomenon of connectivity is associated with excitation energy transfer between antenna complexes. They can be organized
in different ways and they can create large domains, which probably enables the migration of excitation energy (Trissl and Lavergne 1995). Lambrev et al. (2011) have shown that in isolated thylakoid membranes RG-7388 research buy four or more PSII supercomplexes formed connected domains. On the other hand, the excitation energy transfer between different layers of thylakoid membranes was not confirmed. This result supports the data of Kirchhoff et al. (2004) who found that stacking or unstacking of PSII membranes does not influence the connectivity parameter. The phenomenon of
connectivity has been associated with the theory of PSII heterogeneity. It has been thought that the sigmoidal fluorescence arises from PSII α-centers located in the grana possessing large light-harvesting complexes, which are connected enabling migration of excitons. On the other hand, PSII β-centers located in the stroma lamellae emit fluorescence with exponential rise; this
was explained by their small antenna size with negligible connectivity (Melis and Homann 1976). This hypothesis was also challenged, even though it is clear that PSII antenna size heterogeneity exists (see e.g., Vredenberg 2008; Schansker et al. 2013). Although our estimate of the PSII connectivity may be approximate, substantial differences in the sigmoidicity of the fluorescence induction curves, observed in the values of curvature and probability of connectivity, lead us to conclude that the Cell press organization of PSII units (antenna size heterogeneity) in shade leaves differs from the sun leaves of barley. Hence, we speculate that the lower exciton transfer efficiency in shade leaves in HL contributes to maintaining the redox poise of PSII acceptors at physiologically acceptable level, similar to the level observed in sun leaves. This can partially explain rather low photoinhibitory quenching that we observe in shade barley leaves. The connectivity among PSII units is still a subject of discussion and its existence needs to be verified in different plant species, since the published results are contradictory (see above). However, our results suggest a physiological role for PSII connectivity.