007) Figure 2 Associations between cytoplasmic TLR9 expression an

007) Figure 2 Associations between cytoplasmic TLR9 expression and RCC-specific survival. Patients with TLR9 negative tumours showed reduced survival when compared to patients with tumours positive for these proteins. p = 0.007 In the Cox regression selleck compound analysis for cytoplasmic TLR9 expression, gender, age, stage

and nuclear grade, the statistically significant factors in RCC-specific survival were stage and TLR9 expression (Table 2). Table 2 Cox multivariate survival analysis in 136 patients with RCC Covariate Hazard ratio 95.0% CI p-value Male gender 0.76 0.45-1.80 0.76 Age 1.02 0.98-1.06 0.34 Stage I 1 (ref.)     Stage II 3.03 0.89-10.3 0.076 Stage III 3.17 1.20-8.35 0.020 Stage IV 19.3 6.86-54.5 < 0.001 Fuhrman grade I or II 1 (ref.)     Fuhrman grade III 1.13 0.49-2.57 0.78 Fuhrman grade IV 2.68 1.20-5.98 0.16 Positive cytoplasmic TLR9 expression 0.28 0.14-0.58 0.001 Discussion We demonstrate here for the first time that TLR9 is frequently expressed in RCCs. Although there was no association between the immunoexpression of TLR9 and histological subtype, stage or grade of RCC, cytoplasmic TLR9 expression was a statistically significant prognostic factor in RCC specific survival in both univariate and multivariate analyses and TLR9 expression

was an independent marker of better prognosis in RCC. Our findings thus suggest that the lack of TLR9 confers aggressive behaviour of renal carcinoma cells. The significance of nuclear TLR9 expression remains obscure, but Regorafenib it may also represent unspecific staining. Expression of TLR9 has been previously detected in various cancer cell lines and in various clinical cancer specimens. Synthetic TLR9-ligands induce cancer cell invasion in vitro and high TLR9 expression has been associated

with poor differentiation of various cancers, suggesting that high TLR9 expression or naturally existing DNA-ligands might induce TLR9-mediated invasion, and thus contribute to worse outcomes in cancers with higher 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase TLR9 expression. In this light, our finding demonstrating the lack of TLR9 expression as a poor prognosis marker is RCC is surprising. So far, the association between TLR9 and clinopathological parameters and the survival of cancer patient has been evaluated in only a few studies. In breast cancer it has been demonstrated that immunoexpression of TLR9 is significantly increased in high-grade tumours compared with lower-grade tumours [12, 22]. Similarly, it has been shown that recurrent breast carcinomas exhibit a significant increase in the mRNA levels of TLR9 in cancer cells [23]. However, a remarkable percentage (57.5%) of recurrent breast tumours was shown to express TLR9 by fibroblast-like cells and these tumours have reported to have low probability of metastasis [23].

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