In particular, women were asked to report the number of previous abortions, miscarriages and pregnancies, their age at the event, the number of children and their relative ages, and the number of children infected with HIV and their relative ages. Data on baseline HIV staging and viro-immunological parameters, antiretroviral drug experience, including the start and stop date for each drug, coinfection with hepatitis viruses, and other sexually transmitted diseases were available from the patients’ records. Abortion in Italy became legal in May Epigenetics inhibitor 1978, when women were allowed to terminate a pregnancy on demand during the first 90 days of pregnancy. Women are eligible to request an
abortion for health, economic or social reasons, including the circumstances under which conception occurred. Abortions are performed free of charge in public hospitals or in private clinics authorized by the regional health authorities. The law also allows termination
in the second trimester of pregnancy, but only when the life of the woman would be at risk if the pregnancy were carried to term or when the fetus has genetic or other serious malformations Selleckchem PLX4032 which would put the mother at risk of serious psychological or physical consequences. Although the law only permits pregnancy termination for women at least 18 years old, it also includes provisions for women younger than 18, who can request the intervention of a judge when the legal tutor refuses the intervention, or there are reasons to exclude the legal tutor from the process. For the purpose of
this study, abortion was defined as the induced termination of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, also known as miscarriage, was not considered. Women who reported at least one abortion were compared with women who did not in terms of general and HIV-related characteristics using χ2 and Wilcoxon tests where appropriate. The following variables were analysed: age at enrolment, citizenship (migrant vs. native Italian), education level (primary school vs. high school/university), monthly salary (cut-off €800), age at first sexual intercourse (cut-off 15 years), old total number of pregnancies (none vs. at least one pregnancy), number of children with HIV infection (none vs. at least one child with HIV infection), age at HIV diagnosis, calendar year of HIV diagnosis, mode of HIV transmission [injecting drug use (IDU) vs. sexually transmitted], CD4 count nadir, CD4 count at enrolment, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stage (A/B vs. C), and current use of cART. Person-years analyses were conducted to assess the time to occurrence of the first induced abortion. Incidence rates of first abortion were determined using the number of women at risk for pregnancy. Women were considered at risk for abortion from 14 to 49 years of age.