30 Krimer31 studied the entorhinal area of schizophrenic patients

30 Krimer31 studied the entorhinal area of schizophrenic patients

and controls using inadequate methods. The fixation time was excessively long (up to 1 year), and the postmortem interval (average 36 h) was unsuitable for sophisticated cytoarchitectural studies. Nonetheless, even in these authors’ unclear illustrations, cytoarchitectural differences between control subjects and schizophrenics are evident. Senitz and Beckmann were recently able to confirm the findings of Jakob and Beckmann24,25 in a series of 20 schizophrenic cases and 22 controls. Cortical malformations of this type may have either of two possible causes: The neurons are unable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to begin migrating. The migrating neurons remain in an ectopic position on the way to the cortex.17,18 The atypical neurons that, do not belong to layer Pre-β Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical seem to have encountered the second type of difficulty. Many of them are of obviously reduced volume when compared with other neurons in the same layer and with those of control subjects. These small neurons, which are often marked by a bipolar shape (Figure 2) or lie in layer Pre-β more as heterotopic clusters or

as columns containing densely arrayed, undifferentiated neurons, seem to have become stuck along their way to the upper layer, Pre-β.25,32 A specific histological Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical demonstration of these neurons is not possible at present; they can be characterized only with the aid of an optimal staining technique. These findings seem to imply Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that the malformation arises at a relatively late time in development. It is possible that there is a selleck chemicals llc defect in the ontogenetic columns (second category).18 The lower Pri-laycrs arc heavily depopulated of cells in only a few cases. In view of the spectrum of alterations seen, and the time at. which migration begins in the corresponding region of the human brain, a fetal injury at some time between the late third month and the fifth month of gestation can be presumed, or a genetic preprogram is at. work. Heterotopic malformations in correlation with clinical symptomatology schizophrenics,24,5 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical numerous attempts have been presented to support29,33,35 or disprove the initial findings. 26,31,36,37. In this report, we

present two cases (Table I, Figure 3Figures 3 and Figure 4) with very different psychopathology and demonstrate the serial cuts through both hemispheres of the rostral entorhinal regions and the malformations Cell press found. We report on the different magnitude of the heterotopic malformations (for definition see page 103) either on one or both sides of the brain in correlation with clinical symptomatology. Figure 3. Affect-laden paraphrenia: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines (ICD-10) F 20.3 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed (DSM-IV)259.3. Serial sections through … Figure 4. Negativistic catatonia: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders.

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