Interestingly, induction of ISGs expression and blocking the activation of IRF3 has been observed in liver tissue from HCV infected patients. This poses an interesting question concerning the source of ISG expression, suggesting that ISGs are predominantly expressed in uninfected cells. T cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells that sellectchem infil trate the liver are a possible source of hepatic type IIFNs. Simultaneously, H PRRSV infection activated complement proteins that could contri bute to the production of channels in a lipid bilayer and result in the lysis of viruses, and up regulated mRNA expression of regulatory proteins of complement activa tion, which could increase the resistance of viral serum and benefit pro geny virus.
Complement complexes and PRRs could be responsible for stimulating the production of inflamma tory cytokines and chemokines that recruit neutrophils, macrophages and other immune cells to sites of infec tion, selectin ligands, adhesion molecules and integrins participate in the process. Expression of genes including those for selectin L, intercellular adhesion mole cule 1, integrin alpha L, ITGAV, ITGA5 and integrin beta 2 precursor was up regulated. These results suggest that extravasation and recruitment of immune cells is a multistep process that involves the increased expression of genes including those for CAMs, intracellular signaling molecules, cyto kines and their receptors, chemokines and their receptors. Adaptive immunity T cells only recognize antigens that are bound to major histocompatibility complex proteins on the sur face of other cells.
Therefore, responses to foreign pro tein antigens begin after the antigen has Cilengitide been captured, processed and presented by these cells. The scope of MHC gene activation in H PRRSV infection was investi gated by analyzing the expression of genes that process and present antigens via the class I or class II pathway. Antigens from intracellular pathogens that bind MHC class I molecules are subjected to a sequence of events that include ubiquitination, degradation and transporta tion. Various ubiquitin proteins and USP15 and ubiquitin enzymes were significantly up regulated in H PRRSV infected lungs. Seventeen of the 18 DE proteasomes, a complex cytoplasmic organelle that breaks down pro teins into peptides and delivers them across internal membranes into the endoplasmic reticulum, were signif icantly up regulated in H PRRSV infected lungs.
Load ing of small peptide fragments on to MHC class I molecules, which were significantly and coordinately up regulated, required efficient assembly and transport by chaperone molecules such as beta 2 micro globulin, transporter associated with antigen processing 1, TAP2, calnexin, calreticulin, glu cose regulated protein 78 kDa and 90 kDa heat shock protein.