To enable identification of primary sequence motifs recognized by individual RBPs, we searched gPAR CLIP crosslinking sites located on target mRNAs identified in vitro by RIP Chip for 29 RBPs and identified 39 motifs for 15 RBPs. Notably, 35 of the sequence motifs derived by gPAR CLIP differed signifi cantly from previous motif predictions, which were based on scanning whole transcript sequences for enriched k mers. This discrepancy between primary sequence motifs identified by our gPAR CLIP data and previous predictions illustrates the potential utility of deriving motifs based on direct in vivo evidence of RBP RNA inter actions, which narrows the search space to enhance the signal of bona fide primary sequence recognition elements.
Conclusions Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Our study provides a comprehensive map of RBP cross linking sites across the budding yeast non translating mRNA transcriptome and for the first time describes the dynamics of mRNA RBP binding under normal and nutrient limited growth conditions. Delineating in vivo sites of RBP binding will aid in directing future studies for identification of sites responsive to environmental or genetic perturbations, refinement of primary sequence and secondary structural elements recognized by specific RBPs, and elucidation of the complex network of regula tory processes that contribute to regulation of expres sion of each individual mRNA. gPAR CLIP is readily applicable to other organisms for profiling global RNA protein interactions underlying post transcriptional reg ulation and the effects of environmental perturbations upon these interactions.
Materials Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries methods Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Strains, media and growth conditions The following strains were used in this study wild type BY4742, TAP tagged strains picked from TAP tagged yeast strain collec tion. Strains were grown at 30 C with vigorous shak ing Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in synthetic defined media, supplemented with 200 ��M 4sU. Cells were returned to 30 C with shaking for 2 h. Strains used are defective in uracil synthesis and readily take up 4sU from the media. Inside the cell, 4sU is converted by Fur1p to 4 thiouridine monophosphate that can be incorporated during RNA synthesis. Estimation of 4sU incorporation rates 4sU incorporation rates were measured as described. Briefly, RNA samples isolated from cells grown in the presence or absence of 4sU were dissolved in 100 ��l of 12 mM Tris buffer, pH 7, and their A260 absorption was adjusted to the same value.
A330 was measured for both samples using a Q6 quartz cuvette with 1 mm light path in a Thermo Scientific BioMate 3 UV Vis spectrophotometer. 4sU incorporation protein inhibitors rates per kilobase RNA were calculated as 500 A260. 4sU was incorporated at roughly four 4sU per kilobase of transcript, with little interference with cell growth and only minor changes in gene expression.