Consistently, previous report showed that Aur A activated Akt in a p53 dependent man ner to induce cell survival and chemoresistance in ovarian cancer cells. Thus, it is conceivable that Aur A activates Akt via inhibiting PTEN. Akt promotes cell survival by its ability to phosphorylate and inactivate several pro apoptotic targets including GSK 3. We showed that inhibition of Aur A resulted in suppressed phosphorylation of both Akt and GSK 3, according with one recent study that Aur A promoted cell proliferation by increasing the phosphorylation of GSK 3 . On the other hand, another work reported that Akt inhibitor A 443654 interfered with mitotic progres sion by decreasing Aur A expression, suggesting Akt acts upstream of Aur A by regulating its transcription level.
We and others showed that Aur A contributed to cell survival, chemoresistance Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and migration via activation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of Akt, suggesting a positive feedback interplaying Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries between Aur A and Akt. Akt plays a part in activation of NFBsignaling pathway and exerts a positive effect on NFBfunction by phos phorylation and activation of IKK, a kinase that phospho rylates and induces proteolytic degradation of the NFBinhibitor, IB. Interestingly, several recent reports have suggested that Aur A kinase may serve both upstream and downstream of the IKK complex components. IKK complex includes two catalytic components, IKK and IKK . As a downstream target, Aur A was phos phorylated by IKK at threonine residue 288, a site which is important for its kinase activity.
Depletion of IKK resulted in the up regulation of Aur A protein, and IKK functioned as an antagonist of Aur A signaling during mitosis in normal cells. On the other hand, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries we showed that Aur A promoted cell survival through acti vated IKKNFBsignaling pathway, consistent with pre vious reports. Thus, there may be Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries a reciprocal regulation between Aur A and IKK complex. Activation of Akt was associated with adverse outcome in tongue cancer patients, serving as a significant prognostic factor in TSCC. Multiple growth factors such as IGF 1, VEGF, and EGF facilitate the development and progres sion of cancer by activating PI3K pathway leading to cell survival and therapeutic resistance. Here, we showed that Aur A was overexpressed in tongue cancer tis sue and tightly correlated selleck products with clinical stage and lymph node metastasis in patients. Thus, dys regulation of mitotic Aur A kinase and abnormal activa tion PI3K survival pathway are two essential but distinct biological processes in cancer progression. As tumorigen esis is a multiple process, combination therapeutic strate gies have shown substantially enhanced anti tumor effects and reduced side effects both in vitro and in vivo.