However, well before we reach a state of universal awareness of our informative genotypes, our patients will no longer accept avoidable side effects, and will demand basic pharmacogenomic testing prior to taking antidepressant or antipsychotic medications.
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, interest in “personalized medicine” and the quantity
of journal literature and Web resources related to this topic has been burgeoning. Former US Department of selleck inhibitor health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, Michael O. Leavitt, made personalized medicine one of his priorities, and the US President, Barack Obama, was the author of the Genomics and Personalized Medicine Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Acts of 2006 and 2007. The attention and energies of these two highlevel officials, as well as many others, have contributed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the continued US support for this research agenda. Kathleen Sebelius succeeded Michael O. Levitt as HHS Secretary on April 28, 2009. On May 5, 2009, a coalition representing more than a hundred genetic testing laboratories, patient advocates, investors, and health policy
researchers sent the Secretary a letter describing their issues and concerns regarding personalized medicine. As stated on the HHS personalized health care Web site, “Virtually every agency in the US Department Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of Health and Human Services participates actively in initiatives that are working toward the long-term goals of personalized health Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical care. The integration of these efforts will act as a powerful force to achieve personalized patient care.” The HI IS issued two reports on US efforts related to personalized medicine. The first report (2007) “included summaries of federal efforts in the areas of expanding the science base for personalized health care; supporting health information
technology; regulatory responsibilities; implementing personalized medical products and services in clinical practice; and ethical, legal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and social issues.” The second report (2008) “seeks to bring into focus a sampling of activities that are now underway in different parts of the private and academic health care sectors toward integrating personalized health care into clinical practice.” HHS and Personalized Health Care Initiative, US Department of Health and Human Services [] HHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health & Society (SACGHS) [] “Personalized Health Care: Opportunities, Pathways, Resources,” US Department of Health and Human Services, September 2007 [] “Personalized Health Care Pioneers, Partnerships, Progress,” US Department of Health and Human Services, November 2008 [