Fifteen migraine patients were also studied during a migraine attack. In MK-8669 mouse addition, 26 controls and 18 migraine patients were tested interictally both with and without apraclonidine. Of these 18 migraine patients, seven were also tested with and without apraclonidine during a migraine attack. We found no significant differences between migraine patients and controls in the interictal phase. Additionally, no differences in pupil parameters were detected during the migraine attack. However, after administration of apraclonidine, migraine patients had a longer latency of
the light reflex compared with controls. This increase in latency was more pronounced ictally (oculus dexter: P = .046, oculus sinister: P = .023) than interictally (oculus dexter: P = .075, oculus sinister: P = .021). We conclude that there is evidence for a subtle pupillary sympathetic hypofunction in migraine patients, observed as a prolonged latency to light reflex, which is revealed after the administration of apraclonidine. “
“(Headache 2010;50:85-91) Background/Objectives.— Alcohol has been traditionally considered a possible migraine trigger factor. Alcohol-dehydrogenase
(ADH) enzymes are thought to play important roles in the metabolism of ethanol. Relevant polymorphism has been found only for 2 of the ADH genes (mapped on chromosome ): ADH 1B, betapolypeptide (ADH2) and ADH3. The polymorphism rs1229984, located in the third exon of the human ADH2 gene, (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate causes the amino acid substitution Arg48His.
The aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between ADH2 polymorphism and the risk for migraine this website and for triggering migraine attacks. Methods.— We studied the frequency of the ADH2 genotypes and allelic variants in 197 patients with migraine and 255 healthy controls using allele-specific PCR amplification and MslI-RFLP’s analyses. Results.— The frequencies of ADH2 Arg/His genotype and of ADH2 His allele were significantly lower in patients with migraine when compared with those of controls, and were unrelated with the age of onset of migraine attacks, family history of migraine or presence of aura. The frequency of the allelic variant ADH2 His (ADH2*2) was significantly higher in the group of patients who reported triggering of migraine by alcohol when compared with the group who reported no effect. Conclusion.— The results of the present study suggest that ADH2 Arg/His genotype should be associated with a decreased risk for migraine, while the ADH2 His allelic variant should be related with the risk for triggering migraine attacks after alcohol consumption in our population of migraine patients. “
“Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a ubiquitous neuropeptide found at the very centers of the migraine process, both centrally and peripherally. It has been under careful study for approximately 25 years.