Similarly, the NAD(P)H-dependent nitric-oxide synthase (EC BIBF 1120 concentration catalyses 2L-arginine+3NAD(P)H+3H++4O2=2L-citrulline+2nitricoxide+3NAD(P)++4H2O Thus, it is important to specify reaction studied and the substrate or product measured when expressing activity of an enzyme. Expression of enzyme activity in this way assumes that the initial velocity is proportional to the enzyme concentration. Although that is usually the case, there are cases where
it is not (Dixon et al., 1979 and McDonald and Tipton, 2002) and so it is always important to check. Similarly it is important to measure the initial rate of the reaction catalysed. With the increased use of high-throughput assays, in which the amount of product formed (or substrate used) is determined after some fixed time, it is, of course, necessary to ensure that the values obtained do, indeed, represent initial velocities. In the field of clinical biochemistry it is necessary to have closely controlled conditions for assaying specific Ribociclib enzymes of
diagnostic relevance so that values can be related between laboratories and to ‘normal’ ranges. The IFCC has produced “several primary reference procedures” for the assay of such enzymes (see, e.g. Schumann et al., 2011), which provide complete assay details. Other researchers have a greater freedom to select assay conditions that they find convenient. Several manufacturers produce test kits for specific enzymes, although it is not always easy to find their exact composition. The list discussed above
might be sufficient if one׳s only interest was to compare enzyme activities between laboratories, individuals, species or tissues. However, additional information may be necessary for other types of work. The Km value(s) could be important to help one chose the assay substrate concentrations and the maximum velocity (V) might help in deciding how much enzyme to use. The complete kinetic parameters might be needed for systems biology or mechanistic studies. In that case it would also be of value to know how the kinetic parameters were determined and the Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase error estimates associated with each value. So far the list of requirements has avoided telling researchers what to do. For example, the method that was used determining the Km and V (or kcat) values is requested, together with the range of substrate concentrations used, without any guidance on whether there is any preferred procedure. Double-reciprocal (Lineweaver–Burk) plots continue to be widely used, despite this being well-known to be the least accurate of the procedures used ( Dowd and Riggs, 1965), but it is judged better to have the information available than to censor any that may be less reliable.