5% and 796±65% respectively N=9, p<001) when compared to solut

5% and 79.6±6.5% respectively N=9, p<0.01) when compared to solutions containing 0.1% HA (Sol2A) (53.3±13.3%; N=9), 0.05% HA (Sol2B) (50.6±5.3%; N=9), or low (1.5%) albumin (50.4±4.3%; N=9). Sol1 displayed the same low level of senescent cells BGB324 in vivo as the control (CTRL, not cryopreserved cells), while Sol3 displayed increased senescent cells compared to CTRL (p<0.05). Sol1 showed a proliferation rate significantly higher than Sol3 (p<0.01), the latter being higher than CTRL (p<0.01).

RT-PCR showed no difference in the expression of tested genes among different cryopreservant solutions, and even among cryopre-rved and freshly isolated cells. The number of colonies in culture was markedly higher in Sol1 (31.50±8.50; N=18, p<0.01) with respect to Sol3 (9.00±3.40; N=18). The increased plating efficiency may depend on CD44-HA bounds which are maintained after thawing. The differentiation potential was preserved when cells were cryopreserved both in Sol1 and Sol3, since thawed cells showed a higher expression of albu-min/cytokeratin(CK)18 when transferred in medium tailored for hepatocytes (N=5, p<0.01),

higher expression of secretin receptor/CK7 in medium tailored for cholangiocytes (N=5, p<0.01), and, finally, higher expression of insulin/c-peptide in medium tailored for p-pancreatic islets (N=5, p<0.01), in comparison to hBTSCs maintained constantly in KM. PD0325901 manufacturer Conclusions: We identified an HA-based strategy and the conditions for a successful cryopreservation of hBTSCs. This could help in clinical

trials of cell therapy for liver diseases and poses the basis for hBTSCs banking. Disclosures: The following people have nothing to disclose: Vincenzo Cardinale, Lorenzo Nevi, Raffaele Gentile, Guido Carpino, Alice Fraveto, Alessia Torrice, Alfredo Cantafora, Vincenzo Pasqualino, Giovanni Casella, Daniela Bosco, Alessandro Pintore, Giuseppe Spagnolo, Michela Nardacci, Pasquale Bartolomeo Berloco, Eugenio Gaudio, Domenico Alvaro In compensated cirrhosis with portal hypertension (PH), non-selective -blockers (NSBB) are useful to prevent bleeding from varices but not to prevent the development of varices. This suggests that response to NSBB may depend of 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl the evolutive stage of PH. This study aimed at characterizing the hemody-namic profile of each stage of PH in compensated cirrhosis and the response to -blockers according to the stage. METHODS: HVPG and systemic hemodynamic were measured in 294 patients with cirrhosis and without any previous decompensation. Of them, 194 patients had clinically significant PH (CSPH), defined by HVPG ≥10mmHg, either without varices (n= 80) or with small varices (n= 114), and 81 patients had mild-PH with HVPG of 6.0-9.5 mmHg. Measurements were repeated after i.v propranolol administration (0.15 mg/ Kg) RESULTS: As compared with patients with CSPH, those with mild-PH had lower liver stiffness (elastography 19±7 vs 30±14 Kpa, P< 0.001), better liver function (MELD 5.6±2.1 vs 6.5±2.6, P<0.

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