Association rate (k a), dissociation rate (k d), affinity constant
(K A), and dissociation constant (K D) were obtained from fitted curves. Figure 6 shows SPR response curves of conventional SPR chip and GOS film-based SPR chip, which exhibits higher sensitivity. In the detection of BSA protein, the limit of detection (LOD) of the conventional SPR chip was 10 ng/ml; that of the GOS film-based SPR chip was as low as 100 pg/ml. MK-4827 price This GOS film-based SPR chip had a limit of detection (LOD) for BSA that was 1/100 that of the conventional Au-film-based sensor. These results were consistent with the calibration curves. The calibration curves were fitted by y = -6.43 + 2.77 e0.54x (correlation coefficient, R 2 = 0.976) for the GOS film-based SPR chip, and y = -1.9 + 0.12 e0.87x (correlation coefficient, R 2 = 0.966) for the conventional SPR chip, where x is the concentration of BSA and y is the SPR angle (θ). Figure 6 Response of sensor film to various concentrations of BSA. Calibration curves for detection of BSA by GOS film-based SPR chip and conventional SPR chip. Biomolecular
interaction analysis using BSA and anti-BSA To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the developed immunoassay film in the on-site detection of anti-bovine serum albumin (Anti-BSA; Sigma, Chemical CB-5083 manufacturer Company, St. Louis, MO, USA), an anti-BSA antibody sample was diluted to 378.78, 151.51, and 75.75 nM by adding PBS buffer. Figure 7 schematically depicts the Au-Cys-GOS-BSA-enhanced SPR sensor for anti-BSA. Figure 8 plots the SPR response in the adsorption of anti-BSA proteins on the GOS film-based SPR chip. Real-time SPR angle signals are obtained for 75.75, 151.51, and 378.78 nM anti-BSA antibodies
on the conventional SPR film chip at 26.1759, 39.4802, and 63.8839 mdeg (millimeter degree), as shown in Figure 8a. Real-time SPR angle signals are obtained for 75.75, 151.51, and 378.78 nM anti-BSA proteins on the immunoassay film chip at 36.1867, 69.1671, and 127.7401 mdeg, as shown in Figure 8b. Figure 7 GOS-BSA-anti-BSA interaction. GOS-BSA is immobilized on a planar immobilization film Thalidomide that is a few hundreds of nanometers thick and is readily accessible to analytic anti-BSA SB525334 chemical structure protein with which it undergoes particular interactions. Figure 8 Sensorgram of immobilization of BSA 100 μg/ml on sensor chip in real time. Various detected concentrations of anti-BSA on (a) conventional SPR chip and (b) GOS film-based SPR chip. Binding affinity was determined using anti-BSA protein concentrations of 75 to 378.78 nM. Since the immunoassay analyses were carried out using the same protein, BSA, with the anti-BSA interaction, the results are similar to those of the kinetic analysis, as shown in Figure 8a,b. The responses were measured against the concentration for the protein-protein interactions.