This provides a mechanism how the right number and probably also

This provides a mechanism how the right number and probably also the right quality of neurons are chosen to innervate

given target tissues. Many aspects of the neurotrophic theory have been molecularly proven, such as identification of further target and paracrine-derived survival factors and their corresponding receptors on developing neurons [4], but how exactly optimal neurons are identified is less clear. In Drosophila, a process known as cell competition [ 5] eliminates cells with heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein genes (Minute cells) through a mechanism that has been proposed to involve competition for extracellular factors and apoptosis [ 6]. Various genetic studies in Drosophila have established, that apart from Minute selleck screening library mutations ( Figure 1a), also reduced growth factor signaling, lowered anabolic capacity or altered apico-basal polarity represent triggers for competitive interactions, which have been recently reviewed elsewhere [ 7, 8 and 9]. In some situations, it has been shown that mutant cells can become ‘supercompetitors’ and behave as winners by outcompeting wild-type cells, which now turn into losers. For example, clones with elevated levels of Drosophila myc (dmyc), the homolog of the human c-Myc protooncogene, can convert into such supercompetitors. Supercompetitor cells expand in developing fly epithelia by inducing apoptosis

in surrounding wild-type cells based on short range cell–cell interactions [ 10 and 11]. The ‘enrichment’ in supercompetitor (winner) clones is morphologically silent [ 10] because it is balanced by the concomitant loss of wild-type cells. Although cell competition normally occurs in proliferating tissues, a recent study selleckchem by Tamori and Deng has revealed that competitive interactions can also play a role in the postmitotic Drosophila follicular epithelium [ 12•• and 13]. The authors showed that follicular cells with heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein genes (Minutes) or reduced levels of mahjong

(mahj), a regulator of apico-basal polarity [ 14], are selectively lost by apoptosis from follicular epithelia, whereas no cell death was triggered in tissues made entirely of Minute or mahj−/− cells. In contrast, other factors known to trigger competition in mitotic epithelia (dMyc, activated growth factor signaling or apico-basal tumor suppressor genes) do Cisplatin nmr not play a role in this type of competition. As a further difference, the eliminated cells due to competition are not replaced by cell proliferation. Instead, remaining winner cells increase in size by accelerating their endocycles in a process named compensatory cellular hypertrophy [ 12••]. To summarize, the outcome of both classical cell competition and supercompetition is a Darwinian-like selection, leading to long-term survival of certain cells over others. Until recently, work on cell competition was mainly carried out in Drosophila and relied heavily on the analysis of two experimentally induced populations (e.g. wild-type vs.

All subjects were not taking any type of medication The PBMC iso

All subjects were not taking any type of medication. The PBMC isolation was made by the difference of gradient density Ficoll-Hypaque (Histopaque®, Sigma–Aldrich-USA)

1077. After centrifugation (400 × g; 30 min at room temperature), the PBMC were found at the plasma/1077 interphase and collected carefully with a Pasteur pipette. After that, the cells were washed in PBS twice (240 × g for 10 min), and resuspended in RPMI 1640 medium containing 4.5 g/L glucose supplemented with 2 mM l-glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin (50 IU/mL and 50 μg/mL, respectively) and 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS). The human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) were subcultured in a 75 cm2 flasks in Dulbecco’s buy RG7422 modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 2 mM l-glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin (50 IU/mL and 50 μg/mL, respectively) and 10% (v/v) FBS. HepG2 cells and PBMC were maintained at 37 °C in a 5% CO2/air incubator (Thermo Electron Co.) and verified in an inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti, Japan). To analyze the cytotoxicity effects of AuNps, HepG2 cells and PBMC were incubated with AuNps-citrate

and AuNps-PAMAM. Control experiments containing only PAMAM in the culture medium have also been performed. Cytotoxicity was investigated using the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The genotoxicity was measured by the Carbohydrate alkaline comet assay.

Viability of the cells exposed to AuNps was also determined by the trypan blue exclusion assay, immediately before all the assays (Freshney, 2000). In a Talazoparib purchase viable cell, trypan blue dye (Sigma–Aldrich, USA) is not absorbed. The number of viable cells was always >90% for each cell suspension in both control and treated groups before the assays. Cytotoxicity was also determinated using MTT assay (Mosmann, 1983), a method for determining cell viability by measuring the mitochondrial dehydrogenase action. This enzyme reduces MTT to water-insoluble blue formazan crystals. Cells were counted and plated (1 × 105 cells/well) in 96-well culture plates and allowed to adhere (HepG2) or stabilization (PBMC) at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere for 24 h. The freshly prepared AuNps-PAMAM and AuNps-citrate were dispersed in cell culture medium, diluted at concentrations from 0.01 to 50.0 μM and were added to each culture well. Doxorubicin (DXR) was used as the positive control and analyzed at the concentration of 0.3 μM. DXR is an antitumor agent that acts by intercalating the DNA. It is rapidly taken up into the nucleus of cells, inhibiting DNA synthesis, binding with high affinity to DNA by classical intercalation between base pairs, promoting single strand breaks in DNA and inhibiting DNA topoisomerase II (Cutts et al., 2005). A negative control containing only cells in culture medium was also evaluated.

, 2005 and Frank et al , 2011) Ongoing sequencing efforts reveal

, 2005 and Frank et al., 2011). Ongoing sequencing efforts revealed that the large number of sulfatase genes is indeed a characteristic of the Planctomycetes–Verrucomicrobia–Chlamydia (PVC) superphylum, i.e., Lenthisphaera araneosa ( Thrash et al., 2010), Planctomyces brasiliensis, and Planctomyces maris feature more than 100 and partially even more than 200 sulfatases ( Fig. 1). Sulfatases catalyze

the hydrolytic cleavage of sulfate esters and sulfamates. Three distinct classes of sulfatases have been identified so far. Group I sulfatases (formylglycine-dependent sulfatases) are well-known and widely distributed in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Group AG-014699 in vitro II sulfatases (α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily alkylsulfatases) and group III sulfatases (Zn2 +-dependent alkyl sulfatases) have been recently discovered and only few examples are known (Müller et al., 2004 and Hagelueken et al., 2006). Substrates range from sulfated proteoglycans and conjugated steroids to smaller aromatic sulfate esters (Ghosh, 2007). Group I sulfatases share a high structural and sequence similarity.

They feature a conserved amino acid signature Cetuximab datasheet including a core pentapeptide (C/S-x-P-x-R), followed by (x(4)-T-G), commonly referred to as sulfatase signature sequence I. The cysteine or serine residue within this signature sequence is posttranslationally modified to a catalytically active formylglycine (FGly). Group I is divided into Cys- and Ser-type sulfatases. Ser-type sulfatases were exclusively found in prokaryotes, while the Cys-type has been detected in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Two different pathways for the formylglycine formation were discovered. Formylglycine generating enzymes (FGE) mediate the first mechanism which specifically requires Histone demethylase a cysteine residue (Dierks

et al., 1999). The second system involves anaerobic sulfatase modifying enzymes (anSME) which are able to convert cysteine or serine in the active site (Berteau et al., 2006). Escherichia coli mutants carrying gene deletions in both described maturation systems still expressed functional sulfatases. Therefore, a third, uncharacterized maturation system seems to exist ( Benjdia et al., 2007). The currently favored mechanism of sulfatase catalysis is a transesterification mechanism, utilizing the hydration of the formylglycine to a geminal diol. In the course of two subsequent nucleophilic attacks, the organic moiety and the sulfate group are released from the initial substrate ( Fig. 2) ( Carlson et al., 2008 and Hanson et al., 2004). It has been suggested that the high number of sulfatases found in Planctomycetes could play a major role in the degradation of sulfated polysaccharides in their environment.

Sequencing results showed the contigs of the genomic region, name

Sequencing results showed the contigs of the genomic region, named Exp2-A (868 bp amplified by primers F1/R1) and Exp2-B (783 bp amplified by primers F2/R2). The overlap length was 149 bp. Sequence assembly resulted in a 1501 bp fragment, which was analyzed. With AF512540 and AY189969 used as outgroups, 94 sequences were aligned using ClustalW and distal nucleotides were excluded (to reduce error), so that the ultimate length of the 92 sequences was 1265 bp

(including aligned gaps), MK-1775 in vitro on which our further analysis mainly focused. The resulting sequences consisted of 3 exons, 2 introns, 5′UTR, and 3′UTR (Fig. 1), with discrepancies occurring except in the 5′UTR. The lengths of these regions were 9, 160, 85, 313, 76, 301, and 321 bp, respectively (Table 2). Thirty-three polymorphic loci (26 SNPs and 7 InDels, which were all parsimony-informative sites, none singleton variable sites) were found in this GSK J4 in vitro 1265 bp sequence among the

92 cotton samples sequenced. SNP/InDel frequency (per bp) in the non-coding region is 3.87%, which is markedly higher than that (1.81%) in exons, and the average SNP/InDel per-nucleotide rate was 2.61%. In the three exons, SNPs were not distributed equally. The SNP frequencies were: for exon III, 2.66%; for exon II, 0.96%; and for exon I, 1.88%. InDels were found in the non-coding region, so that the polymorphism frequency (3.87%) was markedly higher than that in the coding region (1.81%). Further analysis of these polymorphic loci indicated that the SNP types, length of InDels, and frequency were diverse. Of the six possible types of SNP, most were A/G transitions or A/C transversions. Among these SNPs, A/G transitions were scattered over all regions, but the other types of SNPs occurred only in exons and 3′UTRs (Table 3). Four types of InDels, which were classified based on length (1 bp InDels being the most frequent), were scattered over introns and 3′UTRs. The number of InDel polymorphisms was

less than that of SNPs. Four (A42T, A69C, A120G, and GC1043/1044CG) of the 26 SNPs found in the sequences were considered to be rare alleles because they appeared in these samples no more than four times each. Thus, there were few rare SNPs in the sequences. Two estimates of nucleotide variation were calculated: 1) nucleotide diversity (π, pi), representing Resveratrol average pairwise sequence differences between two random sequences in a sample, and 2) the mutation parameter θ (theta), which is based on the observed number of polymorphic sites in a sample. The sequence polymorphism distribution is shown in Fig. 2. The trendline of π is coincident with that of θ. The DNA sequence polymorphism in the region covering the 1250 bp was higher than that in other regions. The π value increased from 0 (175–384 bp region) to 0.0154 (850 bp), rapidly decreased to 0 (950 bp), and then increased to 0.0196 (1188 bp). The θ value decreased from 0.00589 (75 bp) to 0 (175–384 bp), and then increased (with two slow decreases and one rapid decrease) to 0.

The finding of a “harmful” pattern of plaque vascularization may

The finding of a “harmful” pattern of plaque vascularization may indeed be limited to a small area of the plaque, but its visual identification is, in our experience, highly representative of the “plaque activity”. Some methods to obtain a “ratio” carotid lumen versus plaque texture has been proposed, with the same limitations related to the already described pitfalls in semiquantitative computerized analysis. Contrast carotid ultrasound is an emerging technique, easily available and quick to perform, that adds important clinical and research information of the “in vivo” pathophysiological status, with low costs and invasiveness. In symptomatic stroke patients with

carotid plaques addressed toward surgery, contrast carotid examinations could help to better analyze plaque morphology

and learn more to identify and quantify the presence and degree of neovascularization, allowing a further assessment of the cerebrovascular risk. Larger studies are though needed to clarify the prognostic value of plaque vascularization detection in asymptomatic patients with non-severe carotid stenosis that are not candidated for surgery. Moreover, the identification and evaluation of plaque angiogenesis may be in the future useful to evaluate the possible effects of therapies aimed to plaque remodeling. “
“Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and mortality in industrialized countries. Patient outcome mainly depends on the time span between onset of symptoms and revascularization, recanalization rate and the occurrence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) [1]. Therefore, fast and effective check details reperfusion in combination with a low rate of sICH is the key to successful MG-132 stroke treatment. Systemic thrombolysis with intravenously administered tissue plasminogen activator (IV rtPA) and local intra-arterial thrombolysis (IAT) have been shown to be effective to improve patient outcome. However, the time window for treatment

and the recanalization rate of both methods are limited [2], [3] and [4]. Furthermore, the application of thrombolytic drugs increases the risk of sICH [5]. Moreover, recanalization rate is dependent on the site of occlusion: proximal occlusions of large brain supplying vessels such as the internal carotid artery have a limited recanalization rate after either IV rtPA or IAT [3] and [4]. Therefore, the aim of mechanical recanalization approaches is to improve recanalization rates, reduce the time to recanalization and further expand the window of opportunity. Furthermore, the waiving of thrombolytic drugs is considered to reduce the rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Different techniques and approaches have been advocated for mechanical thrombolysis in acute stroke treatment, which can be divided into: immediate flow restoration using self-expandable stents and thrombectomy.

As a secondary aim, we investigated whether

obesity param

As a secondary aim, we investigated whether

obesity parameters and the liver were affected by fructose feeding alone, using water-fed rats buy TSA HDAC as a control group. Bisphenol A (BPA), (80-05-7, (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2, ≥99% purity), fructose (C6H12O6, ≥99% purity), Griess modified reagent, ZnSO4, and VCl3 were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO. NaNO3 was purchased from Merck chemicals, Darmstadt, Germany. The animal study was approved by the Uppsala Animal Ethical Committee and followed the guidelines laid down by the Swedish Legislation on Animal Experimentation (Animal Welfare Act SFS1998:56) and European Union Legislation (Convention ETS123 and Directive 86/609/EEC). Sixty female F 344 rats at 3 weeks of age were purchased from Charles River International, Salzfeld, Germany, and housed 3 rats/cage at Uppsala University Hospital animal facility in a temperature-controlled and humidity-controlled room with a 12-h light/dark cycle. To minimize background BPA exposure Polysulfone IV cages (Eurostandard IV) and glass water bottles were used. The rats were fed a standard pellet RM1 diet (ad lib.) from NOVA-SCB, Sollentuna, Sweden. RM1 is a natural ingredient diet with a low level of phytoestrogens (100–200 μg/g)

(Jensen and Ritskes-Hoitinga, 2007 and Odum et al., 2001). During the two-week acclimatization period preceding the ten-week intervention all animals were given water to drink and during the intervention water or 5% fructose solution (see Section 2.3). At 5 weeks of age the rats were assigned to five groups (12 rats/group); water control (W), fructose control selleck (F), low dose BPA (0.025 mg/L), medium dose BPA (0.25 mg/L) or high dose BPA (2.5 mg/L). To avoid unnecessary stress no cage-mates were separated, but the cages were allocated to the different groups to achieve equality in weights in all groups. Food and liquid consumption in each cage and individual weight of the rats were determined once a week. Before

MRI exam, the rats were anesthetized with Ketalar 90 mg/kg bw (Pfizer, New York, NY) and Rompun 10 mg/kg bw (Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany). Immediately after the scanning they were killed by exsanguinations from the abdominal aorta while still under anesthesia. To prepare BPA exposure solutions (0.025, 0.25 and 2.5 mg/L), three stock solutions of BPA in 1% ethanol PIK3C2G (2.5 mg/L, 25 mg/L and 250 mg/L) were diluted 1:100 in 5% fructose solution. The low dose was chosen to be well below the recommended TDI, the medium dose corresponding to TDI (50 μg/kg and day), while the highest dose was ten times this level. The BPA was analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry by the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in Lund, Sweden. The division is a European reference laboratory in the DEMOCOPHES EU project ( for analysis of BPA. The BPA concentrations in analyzed samples of the solutions were: water control – 0.

Shipping lanes tell vessels where to go; Areas to Be Avoided (ATB

Shipping lanes tell vessels where to go; Areas to Be Avoided (ATBAs) tell mariners where they should find more not go for reasons of hazards, safety, or environmental or cultural risk. In a remote region such as the Bering Strait, ATBAs may be used to keep sufficient

space between vessels and shorelines to help ensure that a disabled vessel does not drift ashore before help can arrive. Between shipping lanes and ATBAs is the category of precautionary areas. Mariners may enter such areas, but are advised to take special care in light of hazards or sensitivities that exist in those places. For some hazards, including ship-to-ship collisions and ship strikes of whales, speed restrictions can greatly reduce impacts and risks [24]. Seasonal management areas were also found to be effective in reducing vessel strike of migratory North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena CP-868596 chemical structure glacialis) [64]. Reducing speed, however, may entail an economic cost, because voyages will take longer, although slower speeds are more fuel efficient. Ships also need to maintain sufficient speed to maneuver, so speed restrictions

need also to consider the safety of mariners and their vessels. Speed restrictions may have the additional benefit of reducing noise levels, which could have their greatest impacts in constricted areas such as a strait or in areas with marine mammal aggregations. Vessels over 300 gross tonnes and all passenger vessels are required to have automatic tracking systems on board (Automatic Identification System, or AIS), which allow their position, speed, cargo, destination and other information to be monitored. Although not required, many smaller vessels are voluntarily equipped with AIS transmitters and receivers. Reporting systems may include an additional requirement to announce when they enter and

leave designated areas. Additional communication could be required, for example, between vessels, with an official monitoring intermediary such as the U.S. Coast Guard, and with communities or a local communication center. Communications might include calls to locally used Fluorouracil radio channels to alert hunters out in boats, or checking in with a local communication center upon arriving within radio range of that locale. Local hunting boats can also be equipped with AIS capability, so their presence can be noted by larger vessels well before they are in sight [65]. Mandatory reporting systems designed to help protect the endangered North Atlantic right whale are already in place for certain areas of the east coast of the United States (33 C.F.R. §169.100), and a mandatory vessel monitoring system is also required in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument (50 C.F.R. § 404.5).

Lynn (2002) reviewed the literature on psychopathy in childhood a

Lynn (2002) reviewed the literature on psychopathy in childhood and adolescence and

found that Blacks averaged the highest rates including diagnosis with childhood conduct disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder this website (ADHD), being suspended or excluded from school, scoring low on tests of moral understanding, failing to live up to financial obligations such as paying back student loans, poor work commitment, recklessness (e.g., having traffic accidents), maintaining monogamous relationships, being responsible parents, engaging in domestic violence, and needing hospitalization for injuries sustained through altercations. Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere

in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTEROL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon. In regard to sexual behavior, differences between Blacks and Whites also support the pigmentation hypothesis. In an early international survey, Ford and Beach (1951) asked married couples how often they had sex each week. Pacific Islanders and Native

Americans said from 1 to 4 times, US Whites answered 2–4 times, while Africans Atorvastatin said 3 to over 10 times. Later surveys confirmed and extended these findings. Rushton and Bogaert, 1987 and Rushton and Bogaert, 1988 examined 41 items from the Kinsey data and found that Blacks not only had a higher rate of intercourse at an earlier age and with more partners, but also had more orgasms per act of coitus, spent more time thinking about sex, and had lower levels of sex guilt. Black females became pregnant more quickly indicated by speed of pregnancy after demobilization. Race predicted sexual behavior better than did socioeconomic status. Kinsey’s Black sample was college educated (from 1938 to 1963) and came from a middle class background (parentally intact, with high educational level) while one of the White samples was non-college educated and were lower on the same parental indices. Mixed-race (Black–White) adolescents reported an intermediate number of sexual partners compared to the two parental populations, even after controlling for socio-economic status (Rowe, 2002). The World Health Organization found the average intercourse per week for married couples in their twenties was, for American Blacks, 5; for American Whites, 4; and for the Japanese and Chinese in Asia, 2.5 (see Rushton, 2000, for a review of these studies). National surveys from Britain and the United States produce similar findings.

In many cases, bio-logging is an attractive method for collection

In many cases, bio-logging is an attractive method for collection of biological and physical data [2]. Bio-logging is now playing an important role in the conservation of many highly mobile marine species and the habitats they rely on. This includes, amongst other things, providing data on the interactions of marine species with fisheries [11] and [12], identification of foraging regions and relationships with static and dynamic ocean features at various scales [13], [14] and [15], and providing data critical for calculating more precise abundance estimates [16] and [17].

The utility of bio-logging for marine resource management is now widely accepted by marine ecologists and oceanographers [2]. UNCLOS obligates states to conserve wide-ranging and AC220 valuable species.3 The use of bio-logging has particular salience for the management and conservation of threatened migratory species [18]. The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), for example, has classified species that are in peril of extinction,4 and identifies those subject to special protective measures.5 The ability to effectively manage such species; however, is hampered by the requirement to undergo lengthy, expensive and sometimes unsuccessful administrative and logistical

processes to obtain permission to conduct MSR in coastal state EEZs. Long-range migratory species may not only enter several countries EEZs individually and as a species, but do so in an unpredictable manner. The new modality of bio-logging improves our understanding PD-166866 order of the life histories of migratory species and contributes

to international management and conservation of them. A rapid survey of geospatial data in the OBIS SEAMAP6 archive demonstrates the large number of EEZs that are crossed, entered, and transited by specific marine highly migratory species (Table 1). For example leatherback turtles, one of the most widely ranging marine turtle species, have been recorded in 67 coastal state EEZs. Humpback whales, a mammalian species that makes extensive yearly migrations from feeding to breeding grounds have been recorded in 57 coastal state EEZs. Atlantic Bluefin tuna are found Alanine-glyoxylate transaminase in at least 17 different EEZs. Perhaps most importantly, the movements of these widely ranging marine species are defined by the unpredictable nature of individual behaviors and dynamic migration routes. These complexities are illustrated below using examples of telemetry data from across the major taxa studied through bio-logging techniques in marine systems. The distribution and migration routes of many marine species are dynamic and unpredictable, varying among individuals and species and from season to season. For example, data from two loggerhead sea turtles tagged at the same location at Reunion Island (Fig.

The same takes place in the case of onshore winds except for the

The same takes place in the case of onshore winds except for the southward shift of radiance maxima ( Figure 3, (d)–(f)). The radiances of moderate intensity extend tens of kilometres further westwards in the case of the offshore wind as compared to the onshore one. This difference peaks at latitudes corresponding to Y ∼ 150–200 km ( Figure 3). The differences dLoff–onwnav (λ) = Loffwnav (λ) − Lonwnav (λ), where Loffwnav (λ) and Lonwnav (λ) are binned radiances at offshore and onshore winds, are mapped in Figure 4. The maximum dLoff–onwnav (λ) are comparable to the Loffwnav (λ) in magnitude, are located between the 10 and 15 m isobaths and extend from 90 to 180

km in the y-axis and from 140 to 200 km in the x-axis. In Figure 5, the zonal profiles of the see more bottom relief are compared to the profiles of radiance differences dLwnav at 443, 555 and 670 nm. It is evident that (1)dLwnav distributions west of the shallow are flat and exhibit minor between-profile distinctions; selleck screening library (2) profile segments at depths Z < 30 m indicate substantial enhancement of Loffav (λ) against Lonav (λ) at sites with moderate steepness of the sea floor (profiles (d)–(g)) and a virtually zero radiance difference at greater bottom steepness (profiles (a) and (b)); (3) profiles of dLav (443) and dLav (555) have the highest magnitude

and resemble each other in position and shape, but a number of dLav (670) profiles appear to be shifted eastwards and differ in shape from the corresponding radiance profiles at shorter wavelengths (d)–(f). The profiles of Loffav and Lonav in Figure 6 demonstrate the following trend: the onshore radiance slightly exceeds the offshore radiance

in the deep-water part of the middle and northern testing area; an inverse relation between them occurs at the western boundary of the shallow; further east, Loffav grows faster than Baricitinib Lonav but the latter overtakes the former in the vicinity of the coastline. As a result, the summary radiance progression in the presence of easterly and westerly winds looks like a closed loop, whose lower and upper branches correspond to the onshore and offshore events. The eastern intersections of the branches occur at sites of less than a few metres of water, where the insufficient accuracy of the bottom topography model prevents a stricter association of intersections with bottom features. The higher-sensitivity profiles in Figure 6 (dashed) indicate that western intersections occurred at Z > 30 m if r < = 160 km but occurred at sites with 14–30 m of water in profiles at r > 160 km distinguished by roughness of bottom relief in the west of the shallow. In some cases the depth and radiance profiles show conformity in their shape: the two-step structures of the offshore branch of the radiance loop and of the bottom profile in Figure 6f appear to be a manifestation of such conformity. However, the more intricate relationships of these profiles outnumber the situations of straightforward interpretability.