The normal amount of deep sleep is highly age-dependent, and few

The normal amount of deep sleep is highly age-dependent, and few individuals over age 50 spend more than 5% of the night in stage III and stage IV sleep. For a healthy young person, the first progression through the four nonREM sleep stages (ie, stage I through stage IV) typically takes 70 to 100 minutes; the elapsed time from sleep onset until the beginning of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical first REM period is called REM latency. With normal aging, REM latency characteristically grows shorter because of the loss of slow-wave sleep, and with advanced age the entire night may be spent in only three sleep stages (stage I, stage II, and REM). Sleep architecture is somewhat sex-dependent and, as noted

above, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical highly influenced by aging. Women tend to have a greater percentage of deep sleep than men, particularly prior to menopause. Across decades of aging, sleep typically becomes lighter, with more awakenings and awake time. There is also a progressive loss of slow-wave sleep with aging, which Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical typically occurs in men at an earlier age than women. Sleep quality may be further adversely affected by age-dependent increases in

sleepdisordered breathing. Beyond the direct relationship between sleep deprivation and neurobehavioral function, recent research has linked disturbances of sleep to other important health risks. For example, insomnia is associated with an increase in the cascade of cytokines and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical other “markers” of inflammatory processes.15 Disturbed sleep also is associated with alterations in glucose metabolism and may

represent a risk factor for development of obesity16 and adult-onset diabetes mellitus.17 It is not surprising, then, that research has established that “healthy” sleep is a reliable correlate of sub jective well-being, overall physical health, and successful aging.18 Neuroimaging and sleep The availability of modern Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical imaging methods has permitted a more functional characterization of selected aspects of the topography of sleep.8,9,19,20 Although technological limitations in the measurement of cerebral blood flow or regional shifts in metabolic activity have necessitated Selleck Veliparib focusing on key transition Casein kinase 1 points, such as from waking to nonREM sleep or from nonREM to REM sleep, interesting findings are emerging. Consistent with the homeostatic function of sleep, blood flow and glucose metabolism globally decrease with the transition from waking to sleeping, with the greatest decline during deep sleep.8,9,19,20 Conversely, individuals with primary insomnia have been found to have relatively greater cerebral metabolism during nonREM sleep.21 The onset of REM sleep is associated with a sharp increase in blood flow and cerebral metabolism, including – but not limited to – limbic and pontine structures.

80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91 Specifically, it has been questioned w

80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91 Specifically, it has been questioned whether mood reactivity should be the stem criterion for atypical depression, and evidence has been found supporting a definition of atypical depression mainly based on the reversed vegetative symptoms of hypersomnia and overeating (plus leaden paralysis). This definition has been

used in several epidemiological studies Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on atypical depression. Its response to antidepressants should be tested versus DSM-IV-TR atypical depression, in order to see if the same disorder is covered by the two definitions. This new definition of atypical depression is more clinician-friendly, and should reduce the under-diagnosis of atypical depression, as some DSM-IV-TR features such as mood reactivity and interpersonal rejection Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sensitivity are not very reliable. Melancholic depression According to DSM-IV-TR, a major depressive episode with the melancholic specifier (melancholic depression) can be found in DNA-PK inhibitor almost all mood disorders. Melancholic depression is more

common in older age and in more severe and psychotic depressions.94-95 Its DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria require loss of pleasure in activities or lack of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical plus distinct quality of mood, depression worse in the morning, early-morning awakening, marked psychomotor retardation or agitation, significant decreased eating or weight loss, and excessive guilt (at least three). DSM-IV-TR states that psychomotor changes are “nearly always present ”This last statement Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical comes from Parker’s studies,94, 95 which came to the conclusion that the core feature of melancholic depression was psychomotor change (usually retardation), and that melancholic depression was more common in bipolar depression than in major depressive disorder. While psychomotor retardation has been classically

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical found to be more common in bipolar I depression than in major depressive disorder, findings have been different in outpatient bipolar II depression.96, 97 When outpatient bipolar II depression was compared with outpatient major depressive disorder, it was found that psychomotor click here agitation was more common in bipolar II depression, and retardation in major depressive disorder. Psychomotor change was found in less than 50% of depressed outpatients, running against the DSM-IV-TR statement on the primacy of psychomotor change for the diagnosis of melancholic depression. It seems that the clinical picture and frequency of melancholic depression are related to the bipolar subtype and to the setting (it has been reported that melancholic depression is more common in inpatients).

Donepezil has become in many people’s minds the standard of pract

Donepezil has become in many people’s minds the standard of practice for symptomatic improvement of cognition in AD. Are we at. a stage that all studies should compare new drugs with donepezil rather than with a placebo? Most people do not believe that we are at. this stage in the field with donepezil, but. this is a point, of contention. In many research protocols, subjects Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical arc asked to donate tissues for analysis. For example, it is common in clinical trials to collect, a blood specimen to allow determination of genotypes, such as Apo E4. The hope is to determine whether the genotypes in any way relate to responsiveness

to the medication. However, if the affected person grants permission to obtain biological tissue, questions are raised as to how long the Tasocitinib tissue can be stored, whether it can be used for analysis of other disease markers, and who can have access to this information. In addition to opportunities to participate in research, individuals in the mid-stage of the disease are often involved in a great variety Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of services in the health care system. Managed care in the United States has changed the financial incentives for physicians and organizations providing health services. For example, in capitated managed care, providers are at risk for excessive use of services.

Patients with dementia may be Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at risk of not being granted adequate access to services in a health care environment in which they threaten to consume more that average resources. The ethics of managed care has attracted considerable professional and public attention. For example, early attempts to stop physicians from sharing information Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical about other therapeutic options not included in the patient’s plan with so-called gag rules were judged by most to be unethical. End-stage ethical issues As the disease progresses, patients with dementia may become unable to make Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical any decisions, and, in fact, unable to communicate with their loved ones and care providers. They often Rutecarpine need placement in long-term residential care facilities.

A variety of ethical issues emerges in this context.15 Many of them relate to the use of restraints, whether they are physical or chemical. As the dementia progresses from severe to profound, many consider it. appropriate to think of AD as a terminal disease. In this context, ethical discussions emerge as to what, kinds of interventions are effective and appropriate in the latter stage of the disease. Should we ever place a feeding tube in a severely demented patient? Do antibiotics alter the course of patients who are terminally demented and have developed infections? Finally, there are active discussions in some countries concerning the role of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in dementia care. In the Netherlands, a.

However, HAART has not reduced the incidence of non-AIDS defining

However, HAART has not reduced the incidence of non-AIDS defining cancers such as anal cancer. One theory is that immunosuppression plays a role in the development of anal cancer. It has been suggested that immunosuppression not only leads to increased risk of non AIDS defining cancers but also increases the aggressive nature of such Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cancers (7). A

French study examined the incidence of cancer in a cohort of HIV+ patients and found that a CD4 count less than 200 cells per uL and HIV viral load >100,000 copies per mL were associated with an increased risk of anal cancer. The majority of patients (93%) diagnosed with anal cancer had been treated with antiretroviral therapy for over 6 months (12). Screening Anal cancer and cervical cancer share many similar characteristics. Both anal cancer and cervical cancer develop from precursor lesions: anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) respectively. The incidence and mortality from cervical cancer in the U.S. has significantly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diminished with the routine use of cytology screening with the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Papanicolau (Pap) smear test. Pap smears identify precancerous lesions and early treatment of these lesions has been shown to prevent the development of cervical cancer. As a result the rate of cervical cancer dramatically decreased in the U.S. In countries

where screening for cervical cancer is not routinely done the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer is much greater. Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus is thought to arise from a precancerous lesion. The etiology of

this precancerous lesion is Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical thought to involve integration of HPV into the patient’s genome. Similar to cervical cancer, a Bethesda staging criteria has been devised for precursor anal lesions (13). AIN1 is thought to be low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) whereas AIN 2, 3 are high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). Similar to cervical cancer, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment is recommended for high grade precancerous (HSIL) anal lesions. Studies have identified additional risk factors in the development of AIN. to Wilkin et al (2004) studied the risk of developing AIN in HIV+ men (14). Almost three-quarters of men with abnormal anal cytology had co-infection with a high risk HPV serotype (HPV 16>>52>18>45) (14). Multivariate AZD8055 solubility dmso analysis indicated that abnormal cytology was more likely in patients with a history of RAI and no HAART treatment. AIN histology on biopsy was more likely in patients with history of RAI, history of no HAART use, young age (<40) and low CD4 count (<350). CD4 count was the most significant prognostic factor. Patient who were on HAART and had persistent low CD4 counts were also more likely to have AIN. The relationship between AIN and HAART use, CD4 count, and viral load is probably confounded as patients with lower CD4 counts are more likely to have high viral loads and to be started on HAART.

Prospective studies following novices over the course of training

Prospective studies following novices over the course of training in loving kindness are needed to test these interpretations. Further group differences were found in the ICD of functional connectivity between meditators and novices during loving kindness meditation. A difference in ICD indicates that a given brain region shows altered connectivity to the rest of the brain on average. Here, meditators showed less ICD than novices overall, and in clusters including the bilateral

IFG and insula; MCC and dACC; Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the PCu; and the right supramarginal gyrus and temporal gyrus. With regard to group differences in ICD in the right parietal and temporal regions, the right TPJ has been implicated in theory of mind and empathy, including the attribution of mental states (Saxe and Wexler 2005), the sense of agency, and reorienting attention to salient stimuli (Decety and Lamm 2007). Less ICD in

this brain region during loving kindness in meditators as compared to novices may again reflect less self-related processing or mentalizing, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or possibly a difference in attentional processes between groups. However, such interpretations would need to be tested by comparing loving kindness with for example a mentalizing task. With regard to group differences in intrinsic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical connectivity in the bilateral IFG and insula, the IFG has been implicated in emotion processing, from emotional feeling to emotion simulation and empathy (Jabbi and Keysers 2008; Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009). Prior studies of the effects of loving kindness or compassion meditation on emotion processing have reported changes in the IFG and anterior insula (Lutz et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2012; Weng et al. 2013). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical For example, a recent study found that compassion meditation training led to improved empathic accuracy on the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test’ in which subjects are asked to infer others’ mental states from viewing their eyes, and this was associated with greater BOLD signal in

the bilateral Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical IFG (Mascaro et al. 2013). Related to this, group differences in ICD were found in the MCC and dACC. A recent meta-analysis of fMRI studies of empathy found consistent activations in the anterior middle cingulate cortex (aMCC), dACC, old supplementary motor area, and anterior insula/IFG, with the aMCC more frequently reported in studies of cognitive-evaluative empathy, where subjects are explicitly SB216763 mw instructed to evaluate others’ emotional or sensory states (Fan et al. 2011). Related to the current findings, it is possible that novices engage in more emotional processing related to empathy during loving kindness meditation than meditators. Another interpretation is that meditators rely less on language processing during loving kindness, given that the left IFG is considered the neuroanatomical basis of inner speech (e.g., McGuire et al.

Our results suggest, therefore, that the sources for s1/4 and tho

Our results suggest, therefore, that the sources for s1/4 and those for MRCFs are based on the activations of different neuronal populations in the same precentral motor region. In addition, differences in source orientation between

s5 and components of MRCFs were apparent in the horizontal and sagittal planes (Table ​(Table22). Table Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 2 Difference in orientation among components of MRCFs and SEFs Sources in other brain regions The magnetic fields responsible for the MRCFs were subtracted from the recorded magnetic fields. In the residual fields, components showing a dipolar pattern of activity were explored over the hemispheres. Table ​Table33 summarizes these results. The regions related to visual processing (or movement monitoring) or somatosensory processing that might be attributable to the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical planning and execution of movement exhibited dipolar pattern of activations across movement time. These responses consist of slow premovement dipole activities with nearly the same

onset times as those observed for the MF component. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Thereafter, however, no phasic alternation of peaks like those observed in MRCF waveforms was observed, excepting for a response that often appeared in the occipital region as seen in panel d in Figure ​Figure1B.1B. This observation could be extended to those observed in the dipolar pattern of activation in the ipsilateral sensorimotor area, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical leading to a limitation for the number of dipoles specified in this area (Table ​(Table33). Table 3 The number of dipole source in brain areas of two hemispheres Discussion In this study, neural sources of MRCFs generated during a pulsatile extension of the index finger were modeled to ascertain whether multiple sharp components originate from independent source activities. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Two to four sources (i.e., smf, sm1–sm3) were modeled independently across subjects. The position, orientation, and time-varying

patterns of these sources were compared to those obtained for the components in the SEF data. We found that all dipole sources for MRCFs were located in the same precentral region, oriented in the same Selleckchem KU-57788 direction in the cortical space, and exhibited the same time-varying wave profiles over the Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II movement time. These led us to suggest that there is no specific reason to deal with the four components of the MRCF waveform independently, but rather that all components of MRCF originate from the precentral motor area. Readiness field and MF Cortical activity preceding voluntary movements has been documented in neurophysiological studies in humans (Kornhuber and Deecke 1965; Barrett et al. 1986; Jahanshahi et al. 1995; Richter et al. 1997; Wildgruber et al. 1997) and monkeys (Gemba et al. 1980; Sasaki and Gemba 1981).

Case studies documenting fewer than three participants were exclu

Case studies documenting fewer than three participants were excluded. Study selection Using the stated search strategy 11,138 reports were identified. The search and process of identification is summarized in Figure 2. In total, 26 studies were ultimately identified

as fulfilling criteria, with a total of 629 participants. Figure 2. Flow diagram demonstrating the process of inclusion of studies for review. Data extraction In order to collate relevant information from each article the following data were extracted from each: characteristics of participants (age, gender, length of illness, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical length of current episode, method of diagnosis); trial inclusion and exclusion criteria; type of intervention (type, dose, duration, design); response criteria; type of outcome measure (depression scale, response rates, remission rates, follow up). Several different and quite diverse themes emerged during the data

extraction and the sample was thus divided into the following three categories to allow better clarification and interpretation of results: ketamine only; ketamine plus Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a second drug; ketamine and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or surgery. Data analysis For each of the subcategories of theme identified a table is presented with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the characteristics of the included studies. Hamilton depression scale ratings data from the five studies with control groups [Berman et al. 2000; DiazGranados et al. 2010b; Valentine et al. 2011; Zarate et al. 2006, 2012] were subjected to two cross-study meta-analyses using OpenMeta[Analyst], Brown Education software (see For the first

meta-analysis, the effects of ketamine versus placebo on depressive ratings Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical were assessed at baseline, for the second 60–80 minutes post-infusion, and for the third 210–230 minutes post-infusion. Given that the included studies did not coherently Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical report the means and standard deviations for each group at each time point, values were read off the available graphs in each paper. Ketamine only Studies with no control group There were 11 studies that administered ketamine to all participants with no control PDK4 condition: their characteristics are detailed in Table 1 and results are given in Table 2. Six studies evaluated single-dose ketamine administration on depressive symptoms, three multiple-dose schedules and two primarily evaluated changes to suicidal ideation. Trial size varied from 11 to 33 participants, and recorded follow up from 230 minutes to 83 days post-ketamine administration. A total of 206 participants, all with major depressive episodes (MDEs; diagnosed using DSM), completed these trials, and all were undertaken within the past 5 years. Ketamine was administered at 0.5 mg/kg in all trials except one [Larkin and Beautrais, 2011]. All studies adopted the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) as the primary outcome measure: response was defined as ≥50% reduction in scores throughout, and remission a score of < 10.

A formulation based on these thermosensitive liposomes took the b

A formulation based on these thermosensitive liposomes took the brand name Thermodox and was further developed by Celsion corporation. Thermodox liposomes can be triggered to release their payload by any heat-based treatment such as radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFA),

microwave hyperthermia, and high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Results from a Phase I study that used Thermodox was recently published [29]. In a Phase I study researchers used escalating dose of Thermodox with radiofrequency Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (RF) ablation and concluded that Thermodox can be safely administered at 50mg/m2 in combination with RF ablation. Currently Thermodox in combination with RF ablation is being tested in a large Phase I study to treat hepatocellular carcinoma [30]. The concept of using Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical liposomes and HIFU was introduced recently, in 2006 when Frenkel et al. used liposomal doxorubicin (Doxil) in combination with pulsed high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) exposures in a murine breast cancer tumor model. Doxil is a stable liposomal preparation that has no response to increased temperature [31] and was developed to minimise doxorubicin’s cardiotoxicity, by encapsulating doxorubicin within stealth liposomes. Although Doxil achieves long circulation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of doxorubicin with minimum cardiotoxicity it does not rapidly release the drug within the tumour.

Pulsed-HIFU exposures were not found to enhance the therapeutic delivery of doxorubicin and did not induce tumour regression. However, a fluorescent dextran CI-1040 purchase showed blood vessels to be dilated as a result of the exposures.

Experiments with polystyrene nanoparticles of similar size to the liposomes showed a greater abundance to be Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical present in the treated tumours [32]. Although this study did not achieve Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or prove a therapeutic advantage of the use of HIFU with temperature stable liposomes it showed clearly that pulsed HIFU induces a substantial increase of permeation of macromolecules and nanoparticles in tumours. In 2007 Dromi et al. presented the first study on thermosensitive liposomes (Low Temperature Sensitive Liposomes (LTSL)) and HIFU. The authors investigated pulsed-high intensity focused ultrasound as a source of hyperthermia with thermosensitive liposomes to enhance delivery and efficacy of doxorubicin in murine adenocarcinoma tumours. In vitro treatments simulating the pulsed-HIFU thermal dose (42°C for 2min) triggered release almost of 50% of doxorubicin from the thermosensitive liposomes; however, no detectable release from the nontemperature sensitive liposomes (similar to Doxil) was observed. Similarly, in vivo experiments showed that pulsed-HIFU exposures combined with the LTSL resulted in more rapid delivery of doxorubicin as well as significantly higher concentration within the tumour when compared with LTSLs alone or nonthermosensitive liposomes, with or without exposures [33].

30 Krimer31 studied the entorhinal area of schizophrenic patients

30 Krimer31 studied the entorhinal area of schizophrenic patients

and controls using inadequate methods. The fixation time was excessively long (up to 1 year), and the postmortem interval (average 36 h) was unsuitable for sophisticated cytoarchitectural studies. Nonetheless, even in these authors’ unclear illustrations, cytoarchitectural differences between control subjects and schizophrenics are evident. Senitz and Beckmann were recently able to confirm the findings of Jakob and Beckmann24,25 in a series of 20 schizophrenic cases and 22 controls. Cortical malformations of this type may have either of two possible causes: The neurons are unable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to begin migrating. The migrating neurons remain in an ectopic position on the way to the cortex.17,18 The atypical neurons that, do not belong to layer Pre-β Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical seem to have encountered the second type of difficulty. Many of them are of obviously reduced volume when compared with other neurons in the same layer and with those of control subjects. These small neurons, which are often marked by a bipolar shape (Figure 2) or lie in layer Pre-β more as heterotopic clusters or

as columns containing densely arrayed, undifferentiated neurons, seem to have become stuck along their way to the upper layer, Pre-β.25,32 A specific histological Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical demonstration of these neurons is not possible at present; they can be characterized only with the aid of an optimal staining technique. These findings seem to imply Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that the malformation arises at a relatively late time in development. It is possible that there is a selleck chemicals llc defect in the ontogenetic columns (second category).18 The lower Pri-laycrs arc heavily depopulated of cells in only a few cases. In view of the spectrum of alterations seen, and the time at. which migration begins in the corresponding region of the human brain, a fetal injury at some time between the late third month and the fifth month of gestation can be presumed, or a genetic preprogram is at. work. Heterotopic malformations in correlation with clinical symptomatology schizophrenics,24,5 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical numerous attempts have been presented to support29,33,35 or disprove the initial findings. 26,31,36,37. In this report, we

present two cases (Table I, Figure 3Figures 3 and Figure 4) with very different psychopathology and demonstrate the serial cuts through both hemispheres of the rostral entorhinal regions and the malformations Cell press found. We report on the different magnitude of the heterotopic malformations (for definition see page 103) either on one or both sides of the brain in correlation with clinical symptomatology. Figure 3. Affect-laden paraphrenia: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines (ICD-10) F 20.3 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed (DSM-IV)259.3. Serial sections through … Figure 4. Negativistic catatonia: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders.

First, hypogonadism, usually pharmacologically induced, is associ

First, hypogonadism, usually pharmacologically induced, is associated with depressive symptoms and low libido,52,53 and androgen replacement is often associated with improvement in mood, energy, and libido54-56 in some but not all studies, although this literature is also inconsistent.57,58 Second, some but not all studies suggest an association between low testosterone levels and depressive symptoms.59,60

Last, supraphysiological doses of androgens Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical may be associated with manic or hypomanic symptoms in some individuals,61 and hypogonadism during withdrawal from long-term anabolic steroid use may be associated with depression.61 These observations have led to numerous studies examining the effect of androgens in the treatment of depression. Earlier, open-label studies suggested that androgens may be effective for treating depression, especially in men who are hypogonadal.62-65 Recently, there have been several studies using controlled designs where testosterone was used to treat depression in men who were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical hypogonadal or had low normal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical levels of testosterone. Testosterone

was administered as monotherapy or else as an adjunct to conventional antidepressants. These studies are summarized in Table VI The findings from these studies are inconsistent, producing positive, negative, and inconclusive results.66-74 Some of these differences may be due to methodological issues as noted in Table VI although the weight of evidence would suggest that

testosterone may have some antidepressant benefits in hypogonadal men. Further study is required before definitely concluding that testosterone is a clinically useful treatment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for depression. The limited database and inconclusive findings in some studies have to be weighed against the known side effects of testosterone administration such as hypertension, gynecomastia, and polycythemia Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as well as the fact that treatment emergent paranoid symptoms have been infrequently reported especially in earlier studies.62-65 The potential increased risk for prostate cancer with longterm testosterone treatment remains an unresolved issue.75,76 Table VI. Testosterone until treatment of depression Ovarian hormones The neuromodulatory effects of the ovarian steroids are well established.77-79 Substantial changes in estrogen levels can have effects on brain function and, therefore, on mood and cognition.79 The cyclic changes in gonadal steroids that occur with the menstrual cycle is one example of a period of vulnerability for psychiatric symptoms as a consequence of these fluctuations.80 It follows that depressive symptoms and depressive disorders occur at important stages of a women’s life at times when the reproductive cycle is associated with changes in ovarian hormone levels, thus providing a rationale for the use of hormonal treatment for depression.