1% (v/v) MP pesticide, the color of the culture
changed to yellow from colorless, indicating that the MP had been hydrolyzed to PNP. After incubation for a further 2 days, the color reverted to colorless, indicating PNP degradation. Moreover, this strain exhibited the same phenomenon on a culture plate containing 0.1% (v/v) MP pesticide: selleckchem generation of a distinct hydrolysis halo, the color of which first turned yellow and then became colorless. Pseudomonas sp. 1-7 was thus able to degrade both MP and PNP. In former studies, the full-length of methyl parathion hydrolase gene ophc3 from this bacterium was cloned by constructing genomic library. The gene ophc3 was expressed in E. coli and recombinant methyl parathion hydrolase OPHC3 was purified and the enzymatic properties were studied [16]. Strain 1-7 degraded PNP utilizing both HQ and BT pathways To determine how Pseudomonas sp. 1-7 degraded PNP, the reaction intermediates were BX-795 in vivo analyzed by HPLC. The analyses yielded three distinct peaks with retention times of 10.5 min, 45 min, and 75 min in samples drawn at 0-3.5 h intervals. These retention times corresponded with those of the standard compounds HQ, 4-NC and PNP, respectively (Figure 2). In addition, the 220-400 nm absorption spectra of
all the detected peaks corresponded with those of the standard compounds (Additional file 1: Figure S1). The HPLC studies thus confirmed the presence of PNP, 4-NC and HQ in the www.selleckchem.com/products/ly2835219.html culture medium. Figure 2 HPLC analyses of supernatants of Preudomonas sp. 1-7 grown on PNP. (a) HPLC chemical standards: authentic PNP, HQ and 4-NC had retention times of 75, 10.5 and 45 min, respectively; HPLC analysis of cell-free supernatants at (b) 0 h and (c) 3.5 h. The LC-MS analyses of the 3.5 h HPLC samples showed the two peaks with the retention times of 45 min and 75 min as having molecular ion at m/z of 153.9 and 138.0, respectively (Figure 3). These m/z results matched the standard m/z of 4-NC and
PNP and confirmed the identities of the two peaks as 4-NC and PNP, respectively. Sulfite dehydrogenase However, because the nonpolar HQ molecule could not be detected by LC-MS, we were unable to confirm that the HPLC peak with the retention times of 10.5 min was, in fact, HQ. Figure 3 LC-MS analyses of supernatants of Pseudomonas sp. 1-7 grown on PNP. Mass of the intermediates identified in the peaks with retention times of 45 min (a) and of 75 min (b) in the sample extracted after 3.5 h. Additionally, culture supernatants collected at various time intervals showed a sharp depletion of PNP within 3.5 h, and clearly demonstrated the accumulation of HQ and 4-NC from 3.5 h onward. The maximum amount of 4-NC was detected at 3.5 h, and the maximum amount of HQ at 30 min (Additional file 1: Figure S2). These results identified both HQ and 4-NC as intermediates in the degradation of PNP by strain 1-7.